Texas Democrats Stage Walkout to Deny GOP Majority's Quorum & Block Election Bill

Do you support or oppose the Texas election bill?

  • 42.5k

    UPDATED: The voting rights act has got to be passed while we still have a democracy left to protect. The majority of Americans believe that the current RNC coordinated Republican state voting changes are a threat to democracy, since they are designed to make it difficult for people deemed less-likely to support Republican candidates to vote, to interject political operatives into the vote counting and validation processes, and allowing State Legislatures to replace the people’s vote with the State legislature’s vote if they do not like the result. … … … These attacks on the most fundamental aspect of any democracy, the right to vote, can be stopped eventually by the courts, but given the glacial pace of our up the court, down the court challenge processes, it will take years to expunge these travesties and the damage will have been done by the laws now being passed. The RNC knows this as the trump demonstrated by forcing delays in final court resolutions to the point where they no longer could be used to stop the damages from his wanton abuses of power. That is why all of these bills are being rushed into law simultaneously and being shepherded by the RNC. … … … People are also concerned about the RNC program to help Republican legislatures better gerrymander their districts - funded by big money donors like Citi Bank’s $10M donation and others. … … … The majority of Americans reject these tactics on principle alone. However, the concerns run much deeper. When a major Party thinks that they are using a budding autocrat for some form of political advantage and that stacking the rules to favor their re-election and the re-election of that autocrat, we are one short step away from losing our democracy. The final step in establishing any autocracy is too replace or dismiss the legislature that would not or could not stop the autocrat when they still could. … … … The vast majority of Americans oppose all of this, but that will not make much difference if their votes can be limited or easily dismissed by new voting rules. Our very democracy is getting close to being sacrificed on the alter of Republican’s lust for power. They appear to be so wrapped up by their drive to win by any means imaginable that that cannot see the autocracy that they are opening wide the door to. … … … The majority would not to risk getting this close to the final step that all autocracies have used to assume power. However, the majority vote will not count if the minority continues to support or not simply reject the trump’s big lie and are permitted to jigger with voting districts and the ability of the majority to cast their votes and have them count.

  • 7,796
    Voted Yes

    This is exactly what all states should be doing to ensure a fair and honest election.

  • 77

    The Republicans have proven that if they can't win the votes of the American populace, they will cheat and manipulate to win. Good for the TX Dems for standing up for the people and refusing to participate in the GOP's attempt to vote block.

  • 7,796
    Voted Yes

    Has ANYONE read the HB 1.0? Thus bill is blatantly STEALING AND ENCOURAGING FRAUDULENT ELECTIONS! DEAR LORD PEOPLE! I thought you were all WOKE?! This administration is TEARING OUR NATION APART.

  • 150

    Bravo to the dems!!!

  • 226

    These 21st Century Jim Crow laws are designed to keep a shrinking out of step party in power now that the majority has abandoned it. These laws are based on Trump’s “Big Lie” and must be defeated. The Federal Government must legislate to make such State legislation illegal.

  • 373

    I oppose viamently, as do the majority of Americans, oh yeah oxymoron a.k.a. the real reason for their obstructionist behaviors, their not the majority and this is the only way they think they can win and undemocratically keep our country in their dirty, grubby little hands. No real policy except cheating to get their own way, while creating a country that is no longer recognizable to anyone but them and their evil meniacle whims whether you agree with it or not. But hey, don't listen to me I'm one of their so call anti fascism, anti authoritarian folks. By the way, what they are doing in Arizona and other states is ILLEGAL also, in this country we have federal laws of which protect the vote against this sort of blatant manipulation and unaccountability within the chain of integrity of our votes, a clear violation of such. Where are the feds, this needs to be shut down immediately. Why have laws if one will not enforce them. I am not into some are above the law b.s., it only creates more problems for everyone in the long run especially when in comes to the sanctity and security of each and everyone of our most precious vote and our rites to vote.

  • 2,427

    Amen, jimK! 😊❤️😊❤️. Verymary, loved it! 😊❤️😊

  • 42.5k

    Sandra D: I hope your husband is doing well and that his ER visit resolved any problems. I really hate ER visits. You rush to get there and and then spend hours waiting for labs and imaging results to be reviewed and presented by the ER doctor. … … … I do hope all is well.

  • 76

    We are required to show identification for much of what we do, why not for elections. Americans who travel, go between the US and Canadian border, go to sports events, buy a car etc. which means they already have an ID to show at voting centers so why are the Democrats causing such a stink about the new State Election Laws?

  • 159
    Michael J

    A lie is a lie is a lie. Any bill based on a lie is a lie. The GOP is on life support. Attempting to change the laws based on lies only stalls the inevitable. As the Good Book says, even that which you have will be taken from you. The Texas Three Stooges are among the most despicable people walking God’s Earth.

  • 1,620

    And Greg Abbott threatens to not only withhold THEIR pay but also monies to local governments from what I have heard. This is unconscienable ! The GOP is ALWAYS yelling about "Big Government" and yet they are OK? with Abbott or DeSantis telling the cruise ships what they can and cannot do......? The Cruise ships are like giant Petrie dishes....with people packed in there with no where to go, sharing the same space and the same air systems.......the patrons were sitting ducks and when so many got sick, the were banned from coming ashore......Heartless! So they cruise ships have EVERY RIGHT to insist on people being vaccinated and/or tested. GOP has NO problem with "Big Government" in these particular cases.......this "party" should have Janus as its icon.

  • 204

    The Republicans in Washington and in the state senates must stop trying to suppress voters. They are a threatening our democracy.

  • 3,039

    @sandra. Holding good thoughts for you and your husband. Hope everything is alright❤️🙏🏻

  • 1,620

    sorry about the typos etc.....just spent another long day at the ER with my husband.

  • 34

    Finding ways to restrict voting is part of the fabric of elections since the mid1700s in America, but has never been what might be considered morally justifiable or a democratically sound practice. For a party that is decrying election fraud in every third breathe, the thought that they would alter the environment to inherently devalue the structure and nature of elections themselves harkens back to pre-civil rights legislation as a violation of the public trust. While I don't approve of stunt political action to avoid hard conversations required in finding middle ground legislation, the fact that this was so partisan on it's face means it was inherently exclusionary from the start and genuinely should not have gone this far anyway. I am glad it wasn't passed as regressive legislation is worse than none at all.

  • 304

    Since the Founding Fathers decided to leave elections to be conducted by the individual states I think Texas, Georgia, and any other state can choose how, when and dates for their elections. All voters in EVERY STATE should show voter ID to be able to vote as it gives everyone voting know there is integrity in an election! If all most every country in Europe does it and I have to agree. Makes it more difficult to cheat!

  • 39

    Rs have decided that the only way they can win is by restricting voting as much as they can, especially among people who typically don't vote for them. Sorry, but when the former president tried to overthrow the government, and then they erected a literal golden idol of him at QPAC, I can't support anything the Rs do.

  • 23

    GLAD to hear that Texas Democratic lawmakers WALKED OUT on the atrempted Republican election law CHANGE...

  • 21

    voter suppression is out of control!! good job Texas dems!!!!

  • 2,464

    I oppose any effort to restrict people's right to vote. Obviously, Republicans are so insecure that they can't allow fair elections to occur. Their efforts to prevent citien's from voting has signs of fascist overtones to it. Maybe if their damn party started to work to help the American people, instead of just the wealthy they'd be able to win elections fairly.

  • 255

    I live in Texas. We should be working on ways to get voters to the polls not keeping them out. I'm all for allowing only those eligible to vote to vote, but there has to be a better way than to deny a fundamental right.

  • 1,358

    The fact that the GOP opposes this investigation is an admission or their guilt or complicity. Everyone who stormed the capital should be charged with taking part in an insurrection, tried, convicted and sentenced to death or prison without parole.