IT: šŸ“Š States cutting unemployment aid early saw no clear job gains, and... Do you support extending student loan repayments?

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  • 100

    Just keep holding out do what you gotta do to not go back to work until they pay people a living wage why go to work for 15 bucks an hour thatā€™s still under or right at the poverty level until fast chains start paying people 50,000 65,000 a year you will continue to see them closed at prime hours on Friday nite eventually the execs will be faced with pay people a living wage an still have good profit or stay greedy all the way to that company bankruptcy the business weā€™re counting on the cut to unemployment would force ppl back into slavery an thatā€™s not happening the have no choice but to pay there workers or go under there not one single fast food restaurant within 50 miles of me that open after 9pm anymore drive thru nothing some stores have signs saying there sorry there closed but they have no workers to work there feeling it you seen Iā€™m sure there upping pay for corporate ppl which is crazy considering there stores are closed at prime time hours on fri Saturday notes when they all used to be 24hr or open till 4am now all closed at 9pm everyday taco hell is closed on Sunday totally by me McDonaldā€™s too itā€™s working weā€™re gonna see them. Restaurants pay people or go under there so greedy they might go under just to not pay people but so be it we donā€™t need there junk food anyway

  • 37

    I am not one of those ā€œlazyā€ individuals receiving unemployment and the extra funds. It truly has been a god send for me. I would love to get back to work but the job I was working will not be reinstated. I loved that job and even though I was only making minimum wage with the only raise being the mandatory yearly raise in minimum wage. The job fit my abilities and needs as I had to leave my career job years ago due to an illness/disability. It helped supplement my SSD and I could work enough hours to help. It will be very difficult finding another job that will meet and accommodate my needs. I am not looking forward to the end of the extra funds because regular unemployment will not cover my expenses. Forcing me to take a job I cannot possibly perform but need the money is only setting me up for failure. Also, I live in a very small town. I worked 30 years in a career job; had to leave that because of illness/disability. Was not working for 12 years but luckily then found a wonderful, part time job that met my physical needs. Now, I am again facing the challenge of finding that perfect job. I am not lazy as people think of those of us on unemployment and also receiving the extra funds. I am very grateful for those extra funds which have helped me to be able to keep up with my expenses, especially my medical expenses.

  • 42.5k

    Sillysis53: Thanks. The Republican Party begin itā€™s transition to becoming a political faction when Gingrich regimented the Republican House to block vote and to essentially declare war of their political opponents. That is where the block voting started, where Congressional political disputes began to become interpersonal disputes and the friendships that used to be common between political opponents began to disappear, and the focus on organizing to defeat their war time enemies began in earnest. The block-voting and party oversight of members was beneficial to both parties in the House and Senate alike. The Republican Faction kept their warlike posture with the Democrats and McConnell re-enforced this notion with his abandonment of Congressional norms to win their war. His actions since becoming the lead voice for the Republican Faction in the Senate have much less to do with governance and more to assure the ā€˜Citizenā€™s Unitedā€™ dark funding flowing (McConnell was the proponent of and lead representative of the Supreme Court case that allowed dark money political PACs to form). The dark money keeps the Congresspeople well funded and helps the RNC and Republican leadership to enforce their will on their members by punishing those who dare to challenge the party line. ā€¦ ā€¦ ā€¦ The Republican Faction talks to themselves as they justify their behavior to put their party first as the way to stay in political power. Their only goal is to defeat their sworn enemy, the Democrats to keep the Republican Faction in power. They have no platform, no compelling strategy, no guiding philosophy and nothing that they stand for other than defeating their opposition. Republicans say they have to win elections with some emotion evoking meaningless comment, like I have to be elected in order to stop socialism. (What exactly does that mean?; What, specifically will you do?; How specifically will you do this?; How would you or anyone else determine when or if this goal has been met?) This concept of just winning elections is stated over and over by both Republicanā€™s in office and even those who have left government and the Republican Party in disgust over what it has become. Just listen to what they say. Some of the defectors are stating that Republicanā€™s must come up with some ideas in order to convince people that they have some purpose ā€˜so they can win electionsā€™. Democrats on the other hand talk about issues that need resolution and campaign by stating the problem that needs resolution, their approach to resolving this and other problems and use these issues as the reason that they should be elected so they can get to work on fixing the issues. ā€¦ ā€¦ ā€¦ I cannot recall the number of times that Lindsay Graham who changes his ā€˜deeply heartfeltā€™ principles to whatever is most politically expedient in the moment, made statements like ā€˜if they pass the voting rights legislation no Republican will ever get elected againā€™. To that I say good. This is the way it should be until a principled Republican Party can once again emerge that actually stands for something that is beneficial to the Country and itā€™s people. I think some are currently in the Congress but feel they cannot come forward without committing political suicide due to the large amounts of dark funds already available to politically exile them.

  • 42.5k

    The Red states cutting unemployment compensation see their populace as lazy grifters taking advantage of government freebies instead of wanting to get back to productive work. ā€¦ ā€¦ ā€¦ It is a symptom that arises by those who see the motivations of others through the lens of what motivates themselves. ā€¦ ā€¦ ā€¦ There may be some of this but most people want to work, to be proud of their work accomplishments and to be properly compensated for their efforts. ā€¦ ā€¦ ā€¦ I see the Republican Factionā€™s efforts in this case to be politically motivated as it always seems to be. They are willing to let their constituents suffer so they can infer that the Democrats are responsible. For the Republican Faction, winning elections by any means possible is their sole goal and their overriding purpose for being - even if it means sacrificing the welfare of their own constituents.

  • 10.5k

    Deferring student loans during a pandemic, good idea. Cancelling all interest on student loan debt, better idea. Making quality public PreK thru college/tech schools free for Americans, Best Idea!!! Our forefathers realized the power of an educated populace. It is the only way Democracy survives. More importantly, it will be the only way our nation remains competitive with other countries. Some of our smartest & most capable kids will never have the opportunity to access a university, because they have been priced out & donā€™t want to spend the rest of their lives with crushing debt. I donā€™t know about you, but if I ever require the hands of a skilled surgeon, I want the best operating on me, or my family & that may not be the trust fund kid. The scary part is, trust fund kid is probably not the best for the job.

  • 468

    No adult is gonna risk death for 7.25 an hour. If you want people to go back to work then pay commiserate to the risk. The GOP clearly failed to comprehend how the sudden genuine risk of death changes how people think. The pandemic has broken the old wage slavery rules of labor. And thatā€™s a good thing.

  • 11.5k

    Republican State that cut aid and unemployment to force people back to work because they think that people are getting rich off the government showed no job gain. The only people I know that are getting rich, are the corporations and the wealthy with the trillions dollar tax cuts that keep on giving!

  • 666

    In terms of student loans, right now I think it prudent to immediately forgive all loans related to the front line healthcare workers.

  • 674

    Time once again Call write email use all social media Stop all federal funding to states not following cdc guidelines Not issuing mask mandates Endangering children Not requiring mandatory vaccinations for government employees, health care workers and all school employees

  • 10.5k

    Alabama, Alaska, Idaho, Indiana, Iowa, Mississippi, Missouri, Nebraska, New Hampshire, North Dakota, West Virginia and Wyoming cut unemployment & their jobs numbers havenā€™t improved. Some of these same states have seen some of the biggest increases in COVID-19. Perhaps these states should have focused on vaccinating citizens instead? End COVID & get back to work and school. Hmmm. Thereā€™s a thought.

  • 310

    I support cancelling ALL student loan debt.

  • 814

    JimKā€¦Your comments are always so on point. My daughter in law and I were just discussing this yesterday. Why is it that the Republican Faction is so willing to to let their constituents suffer because of their greed and lust for power. I donā€™t get that mentality.

  • 27.8k

    Support Improving America's Intellectual Infrastructure! In addition to canceling all student loan debt, the country should provide free education: pre-K thru 12, college, graduate school, and vocational training should all be made available tuition-free,

  • 27.8k

    It does not surprise me that in conservative states, the numbers of the unemployed did not improve when unemployment benefits were cut. The reasons should be quite clear ā€” that among several reasons, two outstanding ones are that there are people who value health and safety over stultifying, low paying jobs, and that there are people who value their children over virtually any job. I do want to respond to the early ā€œconservativeā€ commenters. It is no longer interesting to see people be given information that contradicts their assumptions about how the world works, only to see them ā€œdouble downā€ on their failed solutions. Someone, not Einstein, said, ā€œThe definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.ā€ Back in the day (from Nixon to Gingrich), I thought that repetition definition characterized conservative folks. Conservatives come from people whose thinking is rigid or stagnant or ignorant and who project the worst unto others who are open-minded and look for creative and scientific solutions. However, the actual legal definition of insanity is ā€œmental illness of such a severe nature that a person cannot distinguish fantasy from reality, cannot conduct her/his affairs due to psychosis, or is subject to uncontrollable impulsive behavior.ā€ That definition, dear friends, is the more accurate, succinct definition of those self-labeling as ā€œconservativeā€ circa 2021. One needs add two characteristics: 1. anger, even rage, at those who fail to agree with them and 2. an intense desire to impose their (failed) views on others. If one understands the old and new definitions, one can pretend to be conservative and have 30 - 40% of the population think you're a genius. The short but tumultuous and corrupt four years of the Trump Administration did finally shift the definition of what it means to be conservative.

  • 130

    People want to work. People want to be useful and productive. People yearn for a sense of accomplishment. People DONā€™T want to be underpaid for doing grueling, thankless, meaningless labor. Pay fair wages, pay respectable benefits, and give people their fair share of their own productivity! Bezos is taking joyrides to space on the backs of millions of overworked, underpaid human beings. Is it any surprise to you no one feels inspired to work for him?

  • 130

    There is no direct correlation between ā€œrecallā€ by employer to state cutting benefits. Republicans believe punishing the unemployed forces them back to work. There is no job to go back to in many cases. That false equivalence only exacerbates unemployment in those seeking a job they are seeking that takes time. Unemployment is ā€œinsuranceā€ for the displaced and it is not a giveaway like what Republicans give their donors orā€corporate welfareā€.

  • 104

    Student loans-erase all the interest on the loans! If we can give tax breaks to the rich letā€™s give a break to the working class that pay real taxes! Forgive loans that people on disability have.Deliver on the promise that you made on the young people to get their vote otherwise you may lose their vote the next time.

  • 503

    So many young nurses and doctors are paying off massive student loans while working non stop to save lives. Covid has taken its toll on them and the least the government can do is help them with that debt. Same goes for young teachers, social workers and all the others that spend each day helping others. #dotherighthing

  • 872

    Cutting the additional unemployment will get people back to work. The continued ā€œfreeā€ money is turning this country into a nanny state. This week end as I was driving, there where many ā€œHelp Wantedā€ signs, jobs are available, stop the free money. We donā€™t need the government in every aspect of our lives which is just what is happening. The southern border is wide open with the illegal aliens coming across with a 20% positive rate of COVID. They are not being deported because of their health concerns, and being bussed all over the country. We the American public are being told we must wear a mask and get vaccinated. Just what is going on? The moratorium on student loans is quickly closing in on ā€œloan forgivenessā€. How will we-the working class- be able to absorb this cost? Most of those in congress have never worked or had to budget money to keep a business open. They donā€™t have a clue. I have always put term limits on the voters, I am quickly changing my mind.

  • 165

    Its not the benefits. Itā€™s bad GOP government. You are elected to serve the people. Not to only do the will of the corporations.