New Mexico to Offer Free Higher Education to Most State Residents - Should More States Do the Same?

Should more states implement free college tuition programs?

  • 42.5k
    Voted Yes

    Proper education is the key to America's future. In some other countries the best educational programs are run directly by the government and students have to compete fir admission. The private educational institutions is where students that cannot get to public institutions go.

    Most of the industrialized world learned the value of academic education and quality hand-on apprenticeship programs for the trades from the early efforts of the US to educate our youth. Developing quality educational programs stopped in this country while they continued to be expanded everywhere else.

    Now we have the political theater of book burning, forbidden topics packaged as 'freedom' in Florida which is a way to ensure that the populace remains uninformed and more easily be controlled by the wealthy elite who needs compliant minions to enhance their wealth.

    A very concerning thought provoking conclusion was presented by a very conservative judge who was considered by several prior Republican administration for a seat in the Supreme Court. He said that the Republicans know that Biden won the election, that they know that the abortion rights they are trying to take away are beyond reasonable and that other potical stunts they are authoring such as the 'don't say gay' law or banning math books because they represent critical race theory are wrong - and the RNC which is sponsoring all this knows that what they are doing is wrong. He concluded that all of these efforts serve the singular purpose of keeping attention from what they are doing to corrupt the national vote by removing the safeguards and positions held by responsible Republicans that impeded the trumps attempts to overturn the 2020 elections.

    He said that the 2020 attempt to control the election was a dry run. All of the bull crap Republican laws and actions are to distract the public and news media from what they are quietly doing to ensure that the same tactics which were not successful in 2020 cannot stop them from successfully using these same tactics in 2024 for the trump or his annoited successor.

    A few steps closer to converting our treasured democracy into a fulll fledged kleptocratic autocracy with a neo-oligarchy dominated by former Republicsn Cartel oligarchs.

  • 110.0k

    State Colleges and Universities should be free to state residents. The only question is what the residency requirements should be. Also they should accept all in state applications as long as the student maintains passing grades.

  • 2,915
    Voted No

    No, on so many levels. To begin with, this program is not free. The taxpayers pay for it; 2: The funding, more specifically, $75 million, is leftover federal money allocated for pandemic relief. This unused money should be required to be returned. And to think that this administration is proposing another Covid relief check fully knowing that there is still billions of dollars lost or stolen and billions more allocated, but not spent; 3: Eligible people include immigrants regardless of status which means illegal; 4: This program still does not address the core problem which is the cost of education.   

  • 7,796
    Voted Maybe

    I am not sure if it should be free or the cost based on income.  Someone has to pay for this.  Right now, the middle class is stressed to the max with no end in sight.  I believe students need to be invested both physically and financially.  

  • 27.8k
    Voted Yes

    Yes! Every state should provide Free Higher Education. It should be evident that the student is not paying; the taxpayers are paying:  personal, business, etc. There might be other funding mechanisms; for example, in NYS the Lottery Commission gave a portion of the Lottery Proceeds to Education (maybe it still does, IDK), or the Federal government can contribute. 

    A well educated populace is so important to a city, state and country in innumerable ways. Free Education is one of the best investments we as a country can make in its citizenry. Plus a better educated person typically has a much better salary. 

    It would be proper to have programs to help those who struggled with high school academics. That should include vocational programs. 

    Specific details need to be addressed, like

    •What are the residency requirements? 

    •Can states offer reciprocal programs so, say, New Yorkers can go to college in Pennsylvania or Vermont and vice versa? 

    •What constitutes maintaining minimal grades. Well monitored supplemental programs may also be required.


  • 289

    Free or affordable higher education is a worthy aspiration. However I am concerned that college is not for everyone, nor should it be; skilled trades and service are also needed and should be valued. My mom always said that in a society where doctorates are valued over plumbers, both the theories and the pipes will leak. My other major concerns are related to sustainability - ongoing funding rather than one time surpluses will be needed; and there also needs to be institutional accountability. No raising tuition without demonstrated benefits in student outcomes and staff living wages including adjunct faculty and support staff; too many schools have treated student loans as an unconditional income stream. 

  • 2,797
    Voted No

    OK, I see several of you think this NM idea of paying for even illegal immigants education is a good idea, some even wish every state did this.

    Come May 23rd this year Comrade dear leader Beiging Biden plans on removing Tille 42 off the books which essessially means that on that very same day will start a flood of illegal aliens to this country like we have never seen before. Since he has been in office 2 1/2 million illegal aliens have crosses and let in. Another 750,000 get aways have happen in that same time frame from some 128 different countries.

    But to grant you wish, it is expected in the next 6 months some one million people will cross in to this country per month.  There were already 20-25 million people in before inaguation Day, and with that 2 1/2 million that have come in since then, and with the 750,000 get aways, and another 24 million more coming in the next two years under this administration.There are only 50 states and that means thousands of new illegal imigrants comming across the border of each state to settle down plus those that already arrived. So the 50 states will be paying for an additional 50 million people to go to college at your expense. So are you willion to say pay twice as much taxes as from last year to pay for these illegal aliens?


  • 1,900
    Voted Maybe

    Maybe I don't know enough about how college works, as I couldn't afford to go & didn't quality for any loans or grants, but if college were to be free, how would the staff be paid? 

  • 130
    Voted No

    If tax payers are going to foot the bill for the tools young people think they need to get a job, diplomas, then we should foot the bill for the tools others need for their jobs...trucks, tractors, power tools, etc.  All this leads to is lazy citizens that think they are entitled to everything.  If people want to be taxed at 65% like Sweden and Norway for free stuff, then they should move there. Having the Government provide everything  makes you more like China.  

  • 2,797
    Voted No

    jiWitmK, you are right education can be a help to get a better job, but I am not sure it is the requirement of the Un-United States to pay for the education of every illegal alien that comes to here.

    Most kids are so wacked out they pick majors like basket weaving 1 and 2 and wonder why no employer will hire them.  Others take courses like underwater brain surgury but will only live in that town in the middle of Kansas that is 100 miles from the nearest town over 50,000 people and it is farther than that to the nearest body of water.

    Kids, nowdays want to start a job even without education past high school and demand to start at $15 per hour. Even in our little town of 9,000 people in the entire county/parish McDonalds starts at $12 per hour with no experience.

    Because they mostly don't have a real education, learning more about Critical Race Theroy or other WOKE issues, they didn't do so well in math. They demand to start at $15 per hour. Minium wage is $7.35 per hour.

    Here is a simple lesson for them.  Using that minium wage of $7.35 a gallon of milk cost about $3.50 per gallon.  You had worked about 30 minutes to buy that gallon of milk. Do you think that gallon of milk will cost just $3.50 per gallon when wage is now $15 per hour. Answer is a simple NO. You will work 1/2 hour/30 minutes for that gallon of milk which means you will pay $7.00 per gallon for that milk.  This is everything else including clothes, gas, rent, car prices, etc.The only way you get ahead of the game is everyone not motivated to get some education will stay at say $7.50 per hour and you will have gone back to school and received some real education like math, business, etc and now are more valuable to the business you work at. They get an opening for a shift supervisor and you get that slot/job.  Your pay now goes to say $10 per hour and after 6 months training you will get $12 per hour.  That gallon of milk is $3.50 per hour and you now see that a little work and some education will put you ahead of your co-workers.

    Another thought, since you have no expiernce in the real world, you could join the military, serve your country and then get some training at some really neat jobs for free. A private E-1 lowest rank starts out at $11.25 per hour.



  • 2,797
    Voted No

    This is New Mexico's money, and though it looks like a solid bill for the liberal crowd, the fact that the state is totally WOKE and now want to pay for illegal aliens to come to this country (illegally) and then be rewarded with a free college education seems stupid to make the taxpayers pay for this.

    I personally hope that one million illegal aliens as Title 42 is removed enter New Mexico, who know 2-3 million may want to take advantage of this offer.


  • 1,085
    Voted Yes

    Higher education is key to the country's future and economy. A vast majority of stable, decent-paying jobs in America now require some college degree, so it is quite illogical that college would be so expensive at all. We as taxpayers already pay for each other's elementary, middle, and high school education already, but we don't complain about it because not only can we handle the tax burden, but we know it is good for our communities and country as a whole. Such an idea needs to be applied to college education as well. We can offset the costs by reducing our over-bloated military spending instead of raising taxes if conservatives are so concerned about taxation. 

  • 13.9k
    Voted Yes

    YES- and cancel student debt!!

    in Norway, for example, all education is free. they also only pay about $300 dollars a year for healthcare-no matter what illness.

  • 2,257
    Voted Yes

    This should be a Federal Standard, but if Congress cannot get it in gear then the states must.  This will be good for the economy of the state, the industry and productivity in the state, and good for the people of the state!  Not all states shoudl follow, just the ones that do not want to be left behind.   Perhaps is enough follow they will shame our Congress into actually taking action for the good of the country! 

  • 368
    Voted Yes

    Yes yes yes! Also a push into trade schools. We need more electricians, brick layers, plumbers, carpenters, etc. 

  • 503
    Voted Yes

    Education should not put anyone into a life long debt to which there is no escape.  Especially when no job on the market currently support a LIVABLE wage yet alone a wage that would help pay off college debt. 

  • 210
    Voted Yes

    Education should not be so expensive; that is won reason why we are so behind other countries in education

  • 1,028
    Voted Yes

    Some of the dumbness walking the halls of congress is exhibit A that free college is a must 😜

  • 905
    Voted Yes

    Great idea fee college. That is what I am talking about...

  • 3,808
    Voted Yes

    Uninformed and uneducated people are more likely to be manipulated into mistreating their fellow man.

  • 1,438
    The Rev Dr Edward
    Voted Yes

    In other countries this assistance is a given.

  • 762
    Voted Yes

    But....Missouri, my state won't be in-line.

  • 2,970
    Voted Yes

    YES!  YES!  YES!  The only path for progress and peace is through an excellent education.  Although I'm not originally from New Mexico, I did spend some of my younger years attending school in that state.  Love it just as much as I love my own state of South Dakota.  Sadly, we have worthless politicians who have been bought off by the "Gods of Privilege" here who only care about their power, control, and finances and to hell with the common good.

  • 6,889
    Voted Yes

    Yes.  Government must do more than just promote increased corporate profits and incarcerate more and more people.  Government's primary job should be to make the lives of its citizens BETTER...  Lately--ever since Trump became president, it seems government is working overtime to make most people lives much worse...  So, I applaud this action by New Mexico.

  • 1,427
    Voted Yes

    Education is the foundation of a better tomorrow for everyone. 

  • 1,550
    Voted Yes

    An educated populace is more likely to stay employed, pay (more) taxes, and not collect welfare.  In the big picture, a free education is a win/win -- the cost of the free education is MORE than paid for in collecting higher taxes and lower welfare payments.