Harriet Tubman Twenty Dollar Bill is Finally on the Horizon

Do you support Tubman replacing former President Andrew Jackson?

  • 42.5k

    The trump's decision to bloack the Tubman twenty dollar bill for his full term in office is a disgrace for both himself and the Republican Cartel who refused to act.

    It is about time. 

  • 57.3k
    Voted Support

    Jackson had his time, and he wasn't a very good president if you consider his impact on Native Americans and Black people. 

    The only reason this didn't happen sooner is because the previous administration didn't want a Black woman on our money.

    Let's get Harriet Tubman currency printed as soon as possible so we can honor the legacy of this great woman. 

  • 731
    Voted Oppose

    How about not having peoples faces on money at all?

  • 13.9k
    Voted Support

    nice, but only a sybolic gesture. Its far from legislation that moves us closer to equalit. Its not reperations, or social, or economic justice.

    just a symbol to placate people, but has no effect in the way anyone not white is treated by our legal system,police, discrimanated agaist, or address years of systemic racism.

    America is going to have to better.

  • 4,363

    There's no place to put this but it needs to be said before this goes across the country I am calling bullshit on Bill 231 in Georgia that the governor is about to sign what it would do is give the executive branch control of the judicial branch and Georgia. This couldn't possibly be a legal move and needs to be stopped right now. It seems the Republican Party is trying to take control  of every single branch of this government which sounds pretty communistic to me. And you wanna talk about big brother this is it right here right now. The Republicans will always be in control of the government here in Georgia so they should look a little further into future and see what disaster this could bring for them. God save this country the Republican party seems to be taking us to a one party communist state

  • 2,797
    Voted Oppose

    I consider this to be more the cancel culture. Note in the story the mention he was a previous slave owner and was part of this countries moving west and displacing the native peoples. 

    Other than Ben Franklin who was one of the founding fathers of this country all previous paper monies were previous Presidents. I think if we wanted to honor a previous president how about Franklin D. Roosevelt? He was President four time in a row, led American though most of WWII until his death in office. He led this country out of depression that effected the entire world. He was President on the worst attack against our democracy by Japan since the civil war until January 6th Insurrection which was even worst since the civil war. 


  • 5,356
    Voted Support

    I do hope the design doesn't match the image above, but otherwise, Harriet Tubman is much more deserving than a racist whose biggest achievement was winning a battle days after the war ended.

  • 34
    Voted Support

    Tubman is a hero and Jackson is a murderer.

  • 9,293
    Voted Support

    There will be no trail of tears by removing Jackson from the $20!!!

  • 3,405
    Voted Support

    Ms. Tubman led people to freedom.  Andy Jackson murdered American Indians so he could steal the land!  That's a real easy one!

  • 3,808
    Voted Support

    Jackson is a problematic figure. Tubman is only problematic for troublesome people.

  • 4,042
    Voted Support

    CAUSES ASKS: "Do you support Tubman replacing former President Andrew Jackson?"  ME:  Absolutely!  "Bloody, Bloody Andrew Jackson" was a genocidal racist, notorious for his Indian wars, lust for power, and international isolationism.  No wonder Trump had his picture hung in the Oval Office.  Delighted to see both of them gone, replaced in one instance by a truly admirable and courageous woman.  YES!

  • 809
    Voted Oppose

    Give her her own bill, but leave Andrew Jackson ALONE!

  • 12.6k
    Voted Support

    It will make me prouder of my country!

  • 27.8k
    Voted Support

    I'll support it. Reluctantly. 

    In the 21st century putting pictures of some dead president on money may be as ridiculous as it is moot.

    I think it's ridiculous because it reminds me of Trump's silly superhero NFT Collection. But, at least Trump's figures had some action going on. 

    I believe it has become moot because we mostly pay for things electronically with our Debit and Credit Cards or online using the Card's info. I've had the same amount of cash unspent in my wallet since the COVID lockdown.
    Nevertheless, it is past time to shake things up. Tubman will be the first woman and non-president. But if only her portrait is used people will basically remain clueless.
    How about honoring other non-presidents who made important contributions like scientists and artists? 



  • 718

    If you want to show Miss Tubman appreciation, do it by a commissioning a coin on her behalf. Seems more appropriate.

  • 1,137
    Voted Support

    Harriet Tubman worked much harder than Andrew Jackson and deserves this honor.

  • 771
    Voted Support

    I support this because history should not be rewritten by MORONS. White supremists and whiney babies.

  • 2,602
    Voted Support

    Let's be rid of all white racists! Past and present.

  • 2,934
    Voted Support

    About time and a better representative than Jackson

  • 489
    Voted Support

    Do you support Tubman replacing former President Andrew Jackson?  Of course I support placing Ms Tubman on a bill.  Female and black?  What's not to support.

  • 2,970

    Never was a fan of Andrew Jackson.  I'll give him credit for his military service in our War of 1812.  But as a president?  He sucked!  

    I have no problem with Harriet Tubman on the $20 bill or anyone else that stood up for the rights of the less fortunate regardless of ethnic background or religious beliefs. I was brought up to accept or reject another human being on the way they behave towards others, not their looks or the reputations of others in their immediate circle.  Those who oppose this change must be added to the list of undesirables.  "Judge ye not.  For as ye judge, so shall ye be judged by the Father in Heaven".  Looks like we are all doomed.  Have a great weekend and for those who need a reminder, don't forget to set your clocks ahead Saturday night.  Daylight savings time goes into effect where it is used.

  • 3,462
    Voted Support

    It's about time we got the genocidal , racist maniac off of the 20.00 bill!

  • 1,706
    Voted Support

    I totally support this.  There's no reason not to do this.

  • 1,927
    Voted Support

    I am in mild support. Jackson is problematic, true, but honestly, as long as the money is valid legal tender, I'm fine with it either way. Yes, it'd be nice to honor Tubman this way, but this isn't the hill I want to die on for civil rights; there are other steeper and more important "hills," like voting rights, abortion rights, and the right not to be intimidated by gun-totin' idiots "excercising their 2A 'rights.'"