Florida Expands 'Don't Say Gay' Bill to K-12 Grades

Do you support the "Don't Say Gay" bill?

  • 107.4k
    Voted Oppose

    The teen suicide rate in Florida (and southern states) is already the highest in the U.S, and LGBTQ youth are 4x more likely to attempt suicide than peers, so this new law will probably increase already high rates in Florida even higher. Politicians are suppose to improve life for constituents, especially children, not make it worse.

    1) "Suicide is the second leading cause of death among young people aged 10 to 24 (Hedegaard, Curtin, & Warner, 2018) — and lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, and questioning (LGBTQ) youth are at significantly increased risk."

    2) "LGBTQ youth are more than four times as likely to attempt suicide than their peers (Johns et al., 2019; Johns et al., 2020)."

    3) "The Trevor Project estimates that more than 1.8 million LGBTQ youth (13-24) seriously consider suicide each year in the U.S. — and at least one attempts suicide every 45 seconds."

    4) "The Trevor Project’s 2022 National Survey on LGBTQ Youth Mental Health found that 45% of LGBTQ youth seriously considered attempting suicide in the past year, including more than half of transgender and nonbinary youth."



  • 285

    LGBTQ+ people have existed for as long as human beings have been around.  Pretending they don't exist will not make them go away. You can make them hide themselves but you cannot change their fundamental nature.  They are as God created them and God doesn't make mistakes. The idea that knowing LGBTQ+ people exist will magically turn our  children LGBTQ+ is so ludicrous it's laughable. LGBTQ+ is not a choice, it is an immutable characteristic. (Who would volunteer to be a member of a viciously maligned minority?) This legislation is cruel and harmful to LGBTQ+ children and the children of LGBTQ+ parents. It is also harmful to non LGBTQ+ children because it hides the real world from them and teaches them to hate.  All of our children deserve our respect and care.  The idea that our children are so fragile that they are incapable of seeing the world as it is offends me.  We confront them with the horror of school shootings and conceal the existence of LGBTQ+ people? What sense does that make? Do people have so little respect for their own children that they think them incapable of understanding that some people are different? If we don't impose our own narrow minded prejudices on them, children learn that there are many different kinds of people in the world and that they should all be treated with respect and kindness. However misguided the original "Don't say Gay" legislation was when applied to children up to 3rd grade, it is completely idiotic when extended through the high school years when young people are sexually mature. It is parents who need to grow up and accept that our children will be who they were meant to be and that they are capable of creating a more just world than we have, God willing!

  • 1,427
    Voted Support

    The push by Florida Governor Ron DeSantis to restrict gender equality in schools, education and our communities is so misguided. 

    The religious right and conservatives are gleefully on board with this trend, both in Florida and other states.  And it is the tail wagging the dog.

    We are promised freedom of religion, and the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.  All of the anit-LGBT movements here in the United States need to remember we are all Americans and have these rights. 


  • 4,363
    Voted Oppose

    When it comes right down to it Ron DeSantis governor of Florida is a mixture of two things an idiot and a pig.

  • 2,970

    Here we go again.  Stronger attack on our constitutional right to speak our own mind.  As long as we harm no one with our voicing our opinions, "free speech" is guaranteed by the U.S. Constitution.  Its bad enough that the judges on the Supreme Court and a good many politicians are doing their damnedest to destroy our rights.  It forces people to be in fear of what they say and their own opinions.  I won't be controlled by any entity that has not lived my life.  Take me as I am or leave me be.  Problem solved.

  • 1,762
    Voted Support

    100% SUPPORT!!!!!!

  • 1,013
    Voted Oppose

    As a retired educator and AS AN AMERICAN, I oppose all measures that support hate and diminish the Right of equality and equal Justice for all.  

  • 1,358
    Voted Oppose

    Just another example of Christian hate. The Catholic and all Evangelical churches should lose their tax exempt status and be declared a hate group 

  • 1,251
    Voted Oppose

    I feel this is primarily the responsibility of the people and voters of Florida. It should have been a decision made by a special election ballot in my opinion but in the kingdom of the governor, his rule seems to be supreme.

  • 1,358
    Voted Oppose

    Just more Christian hate. The Catholic Church would like to go back to the inquisition. Since there is no more separation of church and state, we need to start taxing all churches 

  • 2,602
    Voted Oppose

    Banning things such as abortion, recognition of gay people, recognition of trans people, gay marriage, interracial marriage, books that discuss these topics, courses that study these topics, does not make these things go away. There will always be (and has been) abortion. There will always be (and has been) gay people, there will always be (and has been) trans people, there will always be (and has been) discussion of these topics. You can't make them go away. So stop acting like ostriches with your heads in the sand. And stop interfering with people's lives in such an offensive manner. Why don't you focus on things that really are a problem, like the risk of getting killed with a gun if you decide you want to go to the grocery store, or the pharmacy, or a movie theater, or a mall, or an airport, or a restaurant, or a party.

  • 2,849
    Voted Oppose

    How ridiculous for questioning youth! 

  • 9,293
    Voted Oppose

    Is Desantos going to put a officer in each class room, cafeteria, auditorium ect... to listen to any one saying this ? Remove the violater for a fine or punishment?



  • 1,829
    Voted Oppose

    Why is the GOP so hate driven? 

  • 136
    Voted Oppose

    Florida is expanding it's "don't say gay" legislature to K-12.  Ridiculous.  So we are telling the kids that are not heterosexual or who's sexual identity might not match the far right's beliefs that they don't matter.  And the Governor of this state wants to be our president.  We need more balanced politicians folks, not these far right (or far left) crazies!

  • 12.6k
    Voted Oppose

    History will not look kindly on the likes of DeSantis.

  • 2,641
    530 East Hunt Highway
    Voted Support

    Liberal labels continue to define the conversation. Shame on Causes for continuing to use this misnomer. This bill does not ban anyone from saying gay. Cause just want to continue to stir the pot






  • 3,808
    Voted Oppose

    This is a foolish policy.

  • 1,137
    Voted Oppose

    Students are not going to care about this law, and so teachers will be forced to have these discussions any way.  I began teaching in 1972 an have never had a year pass in which a student did not initiate a conversation concerning this topic!!  Free speech amendment says teachers can have these conversations.  These conversations are important to the welfare of the students.

  • 779
    Voted Oppose

    This bill is an abomination which must be put down and not allowed to stand!

  • 1,179
    Voted Oppose

    This infriges on our "First Amendment Rights'!  Funny, how the GOP works to mangle our rights to fit their desires to control us!  Just like the badly mangled "Second Amendment" as interpreted by the GOP!

  • 1,175
    Voted Oppose

    Look up Randy Rainbow's response on YouTube. It's the best and most entertaining response.

  • 13.9k
    Voted Oppose

    how does knowing gay people exist hurt a child? 

    also, if its sexualizing to know they exist, why isn't it so with hetro couples? should we just tell children the stork makes babies, and the earth is flat, and let them grow up ignorant of reality? will that ''make America great''? a population of uneducated, ignorant morons?