EU Advances in AI Regulations

Should the U.S. do the same?

  • 55.0k
    Voted Support

    As usual, the EU is ahead of us on technology policy and regulations. Maybe it's because they have a lot more diversity of thought in their member nations than our aged and gridlocked Congress?

    I wish our Congressional members would wake up and act before AI harms our society.

  • 27.8k

    Let's Pose The Question To ChatGPT:
    Should AI be regulated? If so, how?

    The answer comes from a better perspective than that from the politicians.

    The question of whether AI should be regulated is an ongoing and important debate. Here are a few considerations:

    1. Ethical concerns: AI systems can have significant impacts on individuals and society, raising questions about privacy, bias, transparency, and accountability. Regulation can help ensure that AI is developed and deployed in ways that align with ethical principles and protect human rights.

    2. Ensuring safety: AI technology has the potential to cause harm, such as in autonomous vehicles or critical infrastructure. Regulation can establish safety standards and mechanisms to prevent accidents, cybersecurity breaches, or intentional misuse.

    3. Fair competition: Regulations can help prevent monopolistic behavior or unfair advantages by certain AI companies. Guidelines for data sharing, interoperability, and promoting a level playing field can encourage innovation while preventing anti-competitive practices.

    4. Protection against bias and discrimination: AI systems are susceptible to biases, often reflecting the biases present in the data they are trained on. Regulations can push for fairness, transparency, and accountability in the design.



  • 1,281
    Voted Oppose

    Government is not the smart people and have no earthly role in regulating just about anything. And who gives a damn about what Europe does - you do! That is because you want globalist rule because that is China tells you to do. 

    Get ready for prison jump suits boys

  • 103.8k
    Voted Support

    AI needs regulation and since Europe is further ahead in doing this the US should collaborate and try to make this a global standard similar to the International Coucil for Harminization for Pharmaceuticals as both products are used globally.

    AI needs regulations which are better than the current ones for internet which hasn't been very successful at protecting personal privacy due to business interests & influence (competitiveness with China & large companies). 

    Europe is leading the way which could become a global cornerstone, with a white paper, On Artificial Intelligence—A European Approach to Excellence and Trust (2020), a proposed framework, The Artificial Intelligence Act (2021), which was approved (2022) in order to develop AI products that can be trusted by classifying AI systems by risk (high risk product covered by safety legislation, high risk human service, interacts with humans) and mandate various development and use requirements in order to put in place appropriate safeguards, monitoring, and oversight. 

    Regulating AI is incredibly complex because:

    (1) it is both a stand alone product and embedded in other products.

    (2) bias in algorithms like automated credit card approvals that discriminate against a population, eg women, young people, etc which are amplified beyond human decision making due to automation (nation-wide, global application) and resulting class action lawsuits

    (3) trust and scope of use. AI used for photo focusing is of less concern than AI used for legal or medical decision making. If it goes wrong the outcomes are more serious.

    (4) scale of geography and markets for nationwide or global applications. If you’re developing local applications for COVID restrictions, weather or product prices and discounts, the local situation may be vastly different than a national or global average. 

    (5) compliance with regulations (local, state, national, international) and organizations (businesses, non-profits, governmental, etc)

    (6) transparency so results can have human review, decision making and modifications. Needs to explain rationale, risk/benefit, trade-offs, lessons learned considered.

    (7) Whether continuous learning will be allowed and how frequently to review changes occurring due to continuous learning 

    The European Regulatory Artificial Intelligence (AI) Act focuses on:

    (1) data quality

    (2) transparency

    (3) human oversight 

    (4) accountability

    The challenges already observed by observing ChatGPT (large language model) versus the new regulations (very application specific):

    (1) No sense of truth - susceptible to large scale misinformation 

    (2) No sense of ethics - has made threats, recommended a user commit suicide which was done

    (3) suggested high risk activities declaring they aren’t high risk

    “Even ChatGPT…thinks it might need regulating: “The EU should consider designating generative AI and large language models as ‘high risk’ technologies, given their potential to create harmful and misleading content,” the chatbot responded when questioned on whether it should fall under the AI Act’s scope.”

    As a result, European regulations being rewritten.

  • 2,970

    Definitely!  Once common sense, dignity, and honor returns to congress.  I'm not holding my breath for it to happen since we have all been brain washed into thinking the ones in charge are all knowing and wise.  Even the "Wizzard of Oz" had selfish motives.  Education and health care should be the top prioritys since only through those two aspects can there be a brighter and better future for all of us.  

    My fear is that certain movies are more truth than fiction.  Even as old as I am, I know that behind every fiction is some, no matter how slim, is based on some form of fact.  Over the years I have watched "the Dark Side" raise its ugly head before "Star Wars" was made into a movie.  I will stand behind "the Rebellion" until I die.  Until that time, I will work on my grand children, great-grandchildren, and anyone who will listen to promote positivity and honor for all.

  • 9,954
    Voted Support

    We should have regulations regarding AI, especially since we are one year away from a presidential election! 

    It's hard enough to fact check information sources now. Once AI gets into malicious hands, we're doomed. 


  • 9,293

    Full Steam ahead on the regulations as the horse has already left the barn.

  • 66
    Voted Support

    AI needs to identify itself in videos, pictures, documents, etc - otherwise nothing can be identified as truth

  • 1,251
    Voted Support

    If we do not regulate AI now it will be out of control faster than anyone can imagine. Major corporations are developing AI without regulation and without regard for anything but their bottom line. They will not care until some hackers get to them and then they will want laws and regulations.

  • 3,808
    Voted Support

    AI is already cheating people out of paychecks.

  • 6,889
    Voted Support

    Yes.  I support formulating strict, enforcible laws, rules and regulations to control and to limit the use/abuse of Artificial Intelligent computer systems.  

    But I have very little hope that our elected politicians are capable of doing an effective job of it...

  • 1,195
    Voted Support

    We need to regulate AI, as it is a machine that could have the potential to do harm. Since AI is a machine, we all know no matter how well programed, it can breakdown. If too much dependence on AI occurs, what happens when it's not working? I'm sure that all of us have experienced this with our phones and computers. AI can be programed to do wonderful things, but are we prepared to handle what happens when it breaks down. I don't believe we are prepared! There must be backup and safeguards in place when an AI stops functioning correctly, since it's just a machine, and machines do break down, or it can be given a virus, or hacked, just as has happened to cars with computers. The more we turn to AIs to do things, the more we need to strongly monitor what they do.

  • 521
    Voted Support

    The question isn't "should" we regulate AI. The question is "how" to regulate AI.

  • 1,927

    AI may well be the most dangerous thing created in my lifetime (nuclear weapons included). John Lennon's ironic lyric is playing in my head: "Nothing is real, and nothing to get hung about" - except that there is. Be very afraid; the first part of that line, "Nothing is real," is coming to haunt us soon enough.

  • 12.6k
    Voted Support

    Something Americans can agree on.  Now, that's a breath of fresh air.  Let's see what happens in Congress.  Not holding my breath.

  • 3,039
    Voted Support

    Our lack of hi-tech regulations are why this country is in deep trouble. Runaway greed and stolen money funding billionaires.  Social media corrupting our youth and causing mental health issues for children all because the govt failed to regulate tech industries 

  • 2,464
    Voted Support

    YES!!!!!  The destructive use that AI can be put to is too great of a price too pay.

  • 3,462
    Voted Support

    I keep geting asked this same question and my answer is the same.  YES.  This needs to be regulated.    The people on The Hill can ignore me, but once AI does something that cannot be stopped, the damage will already be done and it will be too late to do anything at that point.

  • 328
    Voted Support

    If only we had a few more SANE republikkkans in Congress.

    Gosar, the psycho White Nazi, Biggs, the Insurrectionist, MTG Gaetz, Santos, and the rest of the Republican scum in Congress Should be eliminated!

  • 2,817
    Voted Support

    Need regulations!