White House Launches American Climate Corps

How do you feel about the American Climate Corps?

  • 111.0k
    Voted Excited

    Great way to get young people working, gain experience and pay back student loans while helping the country since the latest Federal Reserve Reports shows employment for 20-24 year old college educated has not bounced back after the pandemic like other age groups.

    Challenge will be funding since the Republican controlled House can't seem to pass a budget much less new legislation but there is a plan B to use existing programs in 6 agencies (Labor, Interior, Agriculture and Energy departments, NOAA, AmeriCorps).

    "Markey and Ocasio-Cortez have introduced legislationthat would authorize $132.5 billion over five years to create and sustain a Civilian Climate Corps. Funding a sweeping new program is more complicated in the absence of legislation."

    "As part of the executive branch effort, the White House announced that six federal agencies will sign a memorandum of understanding to formalize the effort. Those agencies are the Labor, Interior, Agriculture and Energy departments, NOAA and AmeriCorps."

    "Those agencies have existing programs and resources, Zaidi said, which can be paired with resources from the private sector, state and local governments, and philanthropists."

    "We find that people ages 20–24 and those over 55 have been less likely to return to the workforce as the pandemic has weakened. Nominal wages have rapidly recovered for younger individuals 16–24 years old but have slowed for older workers, possibly due to the contraction of the college wage premium—the wage boost from earning a college degree—and faster wage growth among lower-income workers."




  • 125

    I think this is a good start on a project that should have been already working if we are to deal with the problem.

  • 63
    Voted Happy

    The White House announces the creation of the climate corps while showing a picture of the existing California conservation corps that  governor Jerry Brown, a democrat, supported and funded. Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger, a Republican, once again, supported them and visited their work sites in Firebaugh, California when they sandbagged levees to prevent major flooding of that community. It is an excellent idea and it's one that the state of California has continually carried out here. I wholeheartedly support the notion of conservation and teaching these young people who go through the programs about advancements in technology that support and sustain our environment.

  • 3,462
    Voted Apathetic

    I think it's a good idea, and I think the intent is there, which is the best I can say while The GOP allows Big Corporations to do whatever they want, no matter what the destruction is doing to our planet.

  • 854
    Voted Angry

    Government is the most wasteful inefficient way to accomplish anything. And unfortunately politicians have great success selling this kind of crap to the public. What possible reason is there to justify expansion of such waste?

  • 10.5k
    Voted Excited

    "The initiative will provide job training and service opportunities to work on a wide range of projects that tackle the climate crisis, including restoring coastal wetlands to protect communities from storm surges and flooding; deploying clean energy projects such as wind and solar power; managing forests to improve health and prevent catastrophic wildfires; and implementing energy efficient solutions to cut energy bills for consumers, the White House said." 

    This is step in the right direction! And, it looks like some states have similar projects underway! This is exciting news. I can't wait to see more investment in our environment.



  • 6,889
    Voted Happy

    It's the type of old time propaganda we need to get people to understand that everyone must work together to save our livable planet or we will lose it...  

    This is especially true for those of us living in the First World because we are the ones who have contributed the most to destroying it.

  • 2,970

    Been wondering why this project hasn't been implimented.  There are still  remnants of the old "CC" Camps in the area in which I live.  A smart move by FDR back in the day.  Worked back then should work now or better yet, YESTERDAY and should have been up graded.  Just do me a favor please, keep big money and large corporations out of the loop as they will destroy the first chance they get. 

  • 718
    Voted Angry

    What a waste of tax money. Why don't they spend some of that on securing our borders and reopening our petroleum industry. What a crazy idea!

  • 85
    Voted Excited

    Young people are faced with dealing with the mess we're leaving as our legacy. They need to be given the tools to work with and possibly stall or reroute the destruction that climate change leaves in its wake. I am very hopeful for this new program!

  • 208
    Migi Rae
    Voted Excited

    Excellent! Thank you President Biden!

  • 9,293
    Voted Excited


    Lets keep after the buisnesses/corporations who participated in the problem, increase their taxes and or fine them.

  • 280
    Voted Angry

    Just another money wasting group to work on a money wasting problem that's questionable at best.

  • 3,808
    Voted Excited

    This may be only a sliver of the solution to the climate crisis, so there are ways it can go wrong, but any REAL action is a step in the right direction, as is getting more people more motivated.

  • 13.9k
    Voted Excited

    this is a good start towards getting people involved in environmental protection, but until we can hold the corporations accountable for the destruction they have already done, and profited from, it falls short.

  • 2,849
    Voted Excited

    One small but necessary step... 

  • 197
    Voted Excited

    It is what is needed for what lies ahead.  I am excited that Biden took this step sending a signal that climate change is real.

  • 428
    Voted Happy

    Great idea on several levels . 

  • 12.6k
    Voted Excited

    Training young people for the jobs of the future is win/win.

  • 2,262
    Voted Excited

    We have a clear and growing climate crisis situation, and most of the government is NOT addressing it well.  IT is good to see that this administration wants to do more to address the issue. Now if only the US Congress could get out of gridlock and DO THE JOB!  

  • 947
    Voted Angry

    the government is already too big and spending money we don't have.  

  • 90
    Voted Excited

    This is an excellent, much needed initiative 

  • 1,904
    Voted Excited

    This is good start im glad President Biden is listening to the climate protesters in NYC this past Sunday we need to face out fossil fuels since I don't want our country to be like China and India which has the worst air quality