Maine Shooting Suspect Found Dead

Tell your reps to take action on gun control now.

  • 3,462

    I was taught to speak only good of the dead.  He's dead.  Good.


    He was not the problem, though.  The problem is everyone having access to military weapons.   THAT is the problem.


    Oh, and the HUGE problem is the NRA writing million dollars in checks per GOP elected official.


    Susan Collins should go to prison for 2nd degree murder and child endangerment....just like the rest of the GOP!

  • 10.5k

    Hint: The answer clearly is NOT more guns. 

    Hint: GET ASSAULT WEAPONS OFF THE STREETS!!! Legislate Red Flag Laws across the nation. close gun purchase loopholes, outlaw bump stocks, and let's invest in high quality mental health with access for all. 

  • 9,293

    Gun Control measures, IE: baning assualt weapons, extensive back ground checks, are PRO LIFE MEASURES!

    Where are all the "pro Birth" people who were so vocal on the abortion issue? 

  • 5,334

    Opinion: How the public can play a role in stopping the next mass shooter

    articles as above are beyond stupid! 
    how about eliminating guns from homes and streets and spending the billions salvaged in improving quality of law enforcement - note i said quality! 

    shame on congress 

    shame on scotus



  • 239

    The Constitution as written and signed by the founders does not contain one word about any right to bear arms. The right to bear arms was a legal write, as it was under the Articles of Confederation” The Continental Congress and under British rule. What it does discuss is State run militias in Article I (Congress), section 8, subsection 15 and 16 “To provide for calling forth the Militia to execute the Laws of the Union, suppress Insurrections and repel Invasions” and “To provide for organizing, arming, and disciplining, the Militia, and for governing such Part of them as may be employed in the Service of the United States, reserving to the States respectively, the Appointment of the Officers, and the Authority of training the Militia according to the discipline prescribed by Congress;” respectively and in Article II (executive branch) subsection 2 “The President shall be Commander in Chief of the Army and Navy of the United States, and of the Militia of the several States…”. The second amendment therefore pertains to the raising of militias, not individual rights. That is exactly the legal bar used in court cases on gun rights in the past. Does a law prohibit ownership to a point that a state can not muster a militia. That is until 2008 with the Heller decision where conservative justices went against past precedence and common sense and created a near absolute individual right to bear arms. In 1903, to deal with the fact that too many states could not muster a militia, the National Guard was formed. So since then, the second is about raising state militias then with the National Guard in place is not the second amendment superfluous, an appendage? Pass common sense laws that protect the citizens, something a vast majority of the people want!!!!!

  • 3,462

    Every GOP member, every NRA member and every Democrat who cashes checks for the NRA and doesn't believe in common sense gun laws should all be in jail for 2nd degree murder.


    How many more people have to die?

  • 598

    For lord's sake ban these assault weapons. Enact stricter gun protection laws. Put in place red flag laws nationally.  No one is coming for your hunting rifle, your handgun and please stop acting as if they are. 

    I thought surely after Sandy Hook and the slaughter of little children this country would wake up to the fact that things need to change but that was over a decade ago now and the madness continues.  And it is madness to make guns so accessible, to watch people die and do nothing. 

    We are such a violent society.  There are more guns than people in our country, that's a horrible statistic. 

    Really, aren't you tired?  I am, and sad. 

  • 860

    While not all of the facts are in yet, we don't need any new laws, there are already laws on the books that should have removed his guns from him after he was committed for treatment, but no one followed these laws!!  The people that did not enforce the laws already on the books knowinly did so, hoping that this guy would go out and kill innocent people, to cause more hate and discontent in the world, just like how the liberial Soroes DA's are letting people out of jail without bail, so that they can commit more crime, causing more hate and discontent, with the hopes of removing more of our liberties.

  • 2,464

    I just love that the US Rep. from Maine stated today that she and her colleague were going to work on a national assault weapon ban and that in the past she's voted them down because she didn't think it could happen in her state.  But now that it has hit close to home she sees the need for such a ban.  Will it really take having a mass shooting in every community throughout the US to get the damn elected officials to pass commonsense gun control?  The resistance to commonsense gun control is nothing but short of stupid/insane.  Do our elected "leaders" just like seeing people gunned down throughout the country?  Are they that blood thirsty?  What ever happened to empathy, putting yourself in other's shoes regardless if it's in your own backyard or clear across the country?  It's pure insanity to think that any pr. citizen needs a damn assault style weapon.  They were designed for one thing and one thing only-to kill people during war like conditions.  They should never have been allowed to be on the open market.  They should only be available to the military and to Swat teams.  This needless bloodshed has to stop-now.

  • 114.2k

    Surprise, Surprise!

    Under Maine law - automatic weapons are legally available!

     Nor does Maine have red flag laws so health professionals providing treatment, or concerned family and friends can't easily intervene to have weapons removed.

    Maine does have a yellow law where a very determined family member, friend, health care worker or law enforcement personnel can try to get a person reviewed by a mental health doctor who then must provide documentation that a person can't have a weapon, and then that paperwork can be taken to a judge to have weapons removed.

    So someone off their meds like this shooter just falls through the cracks with current laws.

    Seems like the army bears some responsibility as they trained him to be an expert killer, damaged his hearing which contributes to the mental problems, were contacted by the family, put him in a mental facility for 2 werjs, didn't want him at the army base because he was dangerous but just released him on the general public.

    "The family of the Army reservist accused of fatally shooting more than a dozen people in Lewiston, Maine, alerted police and military officials that he was experiencing an “acute” mental health episode before the Wednesday night massacre, the suspect’s sister-in-law said."

    "Robert Card, 40, a firearms instructor and longtime member of the Army Reserve, began to hear voices that were saying “horrible” things about him a couple of months ago when he was fitted for high-powered hearing aids, according to Katie Card, who is married to his brother."

    "the family did their best to reassure Robert Card that the comments were not real, including by verifying with some of the people he claimed had made the remarks."

    "But, she said, “it turned into a manic belief.”

    “He was just very set in his belief that everyone was against him all of a sudden,” she said."

    "His sister-in-law said the family reached out to police and the Army Reserve base where he serves as they “got increasingly concerned" in the last couple months."

    "We just reached out to make sure everyone was on the same page because he is someone who does gun training,” she said. “We were concerned about his mental state. That’s all.”

    "Her husband went “back and forth” with the Army, Katie Card said."

    "The Army, which confirmed Robert Card’s status with the Reserve, did not immediately respond to a subsequent request for comment by NBC News about the family’s warning."

    "Two senior law enforcement officials told NBC News that Robert Card’s military unit commanders sent him to receive psychiatric treatment this summer after they became concerned about threats he made to the base and his claims that he was hearing voices."

    "Robert Card spent about two weeks undergoing in-patient psychiatric treatment and was released, according to the officials. It is not clear what further action was taken."

    "A Defense Department official said that Card's unit requested law enforcement be contacted in July after he began behaving erratically. New York State Police responded and transported Card to Keller Army Community Hospital at the United States Military Academy for medical evaluation."

    "His sister-in-law said he had severe hearing loss likely due to being around constant gunfire."

    "Katie Card said her brother-in-law is a “wonderful person” and a great father to his son who just graduated high school. She said his behavior change was sudden and that he had not previously experienced mental health issues."

    “We don’t know this person. This is not him,” she said. “We are so sorry for the pain he’s caused others."

    "Katie Card declined to discuss whether the family tried to restrict his access to firearms."

  • 27.8k

    In response to a previous comment about Far Right Christian Nationalist MAGA Mike Johnson being a Gun Worshipper @LeslieG mentioned about the largess has bestowed on this sus whacko. Here're some deets:

    Representative Mike Johnson has received a total of $4,278,632 in support from the National Rifle Association (NRA) during his political career. This includes $1,000 in direct support and $3,278,632 in independent support¹. He is one of the lawmakers who have received the most funding from the NRA².

    However, his fundraising numbers have dropped significantly in the 2022 midterm election cycle, as the NRA's political action committee (PAC) donations plummeted due to its financial and legal troubles³. Johnson raised just about half a million dollars since the start of 2023⁴, far less than his fellow Republicans who also ran for the speakership.

    As the new speaker of the House, Johnson will have to take on more fundraising responsibilities and appeal to a wider range of donors. He will also face pressure from gun control advocates and activists who are demanding that he and other politicians reject funding and campaign support from the NRA⁵.

    (1) Mike Johnson Has a New Million-Dollar Mission - Newsweek.

    (2) Has your member of Congress received campaign support from the NRA?.

    (3) The U.S. Lawmakers Who Have Received the Most Funding from the NRA.

    (4) Mike Johnson’s ascension is already sparking a cash frenzy.

    (5) Ahead of 2022 Midterm Election, NRA PAC Donations Plummeted - The Trace.

  • 60.9k

    As long as there are people in this country defending the "right" to carry weapons of war, there will continue to be mass shootings like this.

    Even if we did do more to provide mental healthcare or take guns away from people who are troubled, you can't catch every person with bad intent.

    The only way to reduce incidents like this is to stop letting people have weapons of war that can kill dozens in minutes 

    We've chosen this.

  • 27.8k

    MAGA Mike Johnson "Speaker" of House LOVES Guns!

    Representative Mike Johnson is a Republican congressman from Louisiana who has been vocal about his support for gun rights and his opposition to any new gun legislation. He is also a constitutional lawyer who has challenged the 2020 election results and accused the Biden administration of "weaponizing" federal agencies against Americans. Here are some of his views on automatic weapons:

    He believes that the Second Amendment protects the right of law-abiding citizens to own and use firearms, including automatic weapons, for self-defense and other lawful purposes.

    • He opposes any federal or state bans on automatic weapons, arguing that they are ineffective and infringe on the rights of gun owners.

    • He has co-sponsored several bills to protect and expand gun rights, such as the Hearing Protection Act, which would remove suppressors from the National Firearms Act and make them easier to obtain.

    • He has criticized President Biden's executive actions on gun control, calling them "unconstitutional" and "dangerous"⁴. He has also vowed to fight against any attempts by the Democrats to pass new gun legislation in Congress.

    (1) Louisiana Congressman Mike Johnson lands spot on 'weaponization' of ....
    (2) 5 things to know on Mike Johnson, the new speaker of the House.

    (3) Mike Johnson in his own words - BBC News.

    (4) Who is Mike Johnson? Five things to know about the new Republican ... - AOL.


  • 2,582

    If a love one is ever admitted to psychiatric hospital or hospital for medical reasons ask for a discharge planning meeting. 

    The meeting should have the doctor, nurse, social worker/care manager. All of the people mentioned should be at the meeting. You should receive information about the person before being admitted, testing/scans/labs should be discussed, current findings, medications, and possible discharge date. When the person is discharge you should receive a discharge summary, treatment and resources. The treatment summary gives when you should follow up and with who. For example the discharge treatment should tell you to follow up with your primary care physician in one week. You should also recive a list of medications. The hospital can either call the pharmacy or give you the list. You should never leave the hospital with out the discharge summary and medications(list).

    When people go to psychiatric hospital they think that will solve the problem, no. Family members have to actually meet with the team and ask for a summary with resources. Sometimes the social worker can assist and call the resource before the person is discharged. 

    Plus, having the documents helps one determine how the care was to later file a complaint. Hospital due post whobto contact to file a complaint.

    Also, hospital have a hospital financial assistance policy ( I am just putting this in for resources).

    The point of all this information is you have to be active in your or loves care. Going to a psychiatric hospital does not mean anything if you do not have the diagnosis, medication (if required) and an aftercare plan. 

  • 3,462


    Their new Facist, Bigoted, Sharia Law Loving  Speaker sent 'thoughts and prayers' as usual.


    Obviously their God doesn't exist-or he doesn't listen to them-as this continues to happen while they just pass out guns like candy!


    Or maybe this IS what they are praying for?


    Either way, it disgusts me.


    Every single member of the NRA, and every single GOP member is as guilty of murder as if they had pulled the trigger themselves and , at the very least, should all be tried for 2nd degree murder.


    Yes, REP. Mike Kelly, I am pointing my finger at YOU!

  • 5,334

    We need more AR15's out there!

    shame on congress 

    shame on scotus

    shame on nra and all the idiots who promote proliferation