SCOTUS Hears Trump Immunity Case, Appearing Skeptical

Should states disqualify Trump?

  • 5,296
    Voted Yes

    If the 14th amendment does not apply to ALL officials then what is the purpose?

    what happened to NO ONE IS ABOVE THE LAW ?

    we are not a monarchy potentate dictatorship? 

    Congress irresponsibly punted twice on impeachment

    scotus is politicized, corrupted with gifts & favors 

    this should not be even up for discussion! A serial proven criminal is destroying the very fabric of this hard formed democracy and threatening by the hour to do more harm and we are 'debating' if he should be alloved to proceed? 

    shame on congress

    shame on scotus

    shame on all the enablers 

  • 3,959
    Voted No

    This decision was not based on party, but as a person. You can't be an insurrectionist or support and insurrection according to our Constitution. These judges made their judgement in accordance to the Constitution. I stand in agreement with the decision. I wish more states would look at this issue. 

  • 182

    Given he caused the January 6 insurrection in Washington DC, I don't think he should be on the ballot. This, on its own, implies that he could be a signifficant threat to democracy in this country. He should be barred from running for office in order to protect democracy in this country. 

  • 113.5k
    Voted Yes

    CO Supreme Court decision (4-3) for Trump to appear on the Republican primary ballot  (3-6-24) is headed to the Supreme Court on appeal. The State Supreme Court says it will delay its decision going into effect until 1-4-24 to allow time for the Federal Supreme Court decision.

    There are pending cases in 12 other states (AK, NJ, NM, NY, OR, SC, TX, VA, VT, NV, WI, WV), in addition to the 5 states (FL, MI, MN, NH RI) that have already dismissed cases, 2 (FL, RI) said the plaintiff’s lack standing, 1 (MI) said it was a general election not a primary election issue, and 2 (MN, NH) said they couldn’t block a party candidate appearing on a ballot.

    There are 7 justices on the Colorado Supreme Court. When vacancies occur, the judicial district nominating committee recommends candidates for the governor to select from. CO is a purple state with both Democratic & Republican districts (like Boebert's who re-elected her).

    Currently all 7 are listed as nonpartisan but one was previously a registered Republican.

    “The historic 4-3 ruling by the Colorado Supreme Court, likely to be taken up by the U.S. Supreme Court, makes Trump the first presidential candidate deemed ineligible for the White House under a rarely used constitutional provision that bars officials who have engaged in "insurrection or rebellion" from holding office.”

    “According to the blog Lawfare, there are pending challenges to Trump appearing on ballots in 13 other states”

    “The case was brought by a group of Colorado voters, aided by the advocacy group Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington”

    "The Colorado Supreme Court has seven justices."

    "when a vacancy occurs in a county or district judgeship, the judicial district nominating commission interviews applicants and recommends individuals to the governor for consideration and appointment. Three nominees must be submitted to the governor for judgeships on the court of appeals or supreme court; two or three names can be submitted for county or district vacancies. Denver County is not part of the state system and this process does not apply to their judges."

    "Each judicial district nominating commission consists of seven citizens residing in that judicial district. No more than four members can be from the same political party, and there must be at least one voting member from each county in the district."

  • 245

    The POTUS has less screening than someone applying for a job at a bank! As it stands now, any idiot could win the highest without proof of sanity or scruples!  WE MUST NOT ALLOW THIS!  ANYONE WHO HOLD S THAT POSITION should be the first one to be accountable for upholding the laws of our land and be subject to the penalties all Americans face when the laws are broken. NO EXEMPTION for ANYONE IN POSITION OF POWER. As they should be THE EXAMPLE of service under the law! I would this would be obvious. Trump is proving our legal system to be A JOKE at the expense of the poor and the average citizen. THIS CANNOT STAND!!!

  • 3,959
    Voted No

    At first my thoughts were Yes. But, our country has major issues. Lot's of folk don't believe in our government, don't believe in our judicial system. So, I believe we should leave it up to the voters. Not the our judges. No, I am a nonpartisan. I don't like either candidate. So I will remain nonpartisan and not vote in the Primary or take part in a bogus Caucus. I will vote in the regular election come November. 

  • 10

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  • 1,260
    Voted Yes

    Supreme Court is crooked get rid of it. There setting it up so republicans can do whatever they want. It's gotta go.

  • 1,260
    Voted Yes

    Republicans you voted for puppets for Trump and the fat guy going to jail Steve something. Democrats you'd better start going after these guys.

  • 1,260
    Voted Yes

    Supreme Court is rigged do away with it. 

  • 1,260
    Voted Yes

    Republicans you and Trump fixed the 2016 election you don't belong in any political office resign. Trump and the republicans have ruined our great country. 

  • 1,260
    Voted Yes

    Trump your a crook you fixed the 2016 election republicans stand up for your country or resign your seats. 

  • 1,260
    Voted Yes

    Trump fixed the 2016 election how all republicans helped him.

  • 1,260
    Voted Yes

    Let's get a few things right the only election rigged was 2016 by who the republicans led by Trump. 2nd all the religious republicans backing a raciest trump and a man who paid off hookers so he could hide the facts. Resulted in a 2016 election. Look at the Johnson guy talks about reading the Bible and then backs Trump republicans are a big joke.


    And to end the republicans have done nothing for the American people nothing at all. 

  • 1,260
    Voted Yes

    All the republicans in congress and the senate are just like cohen lieing for Donald Trump. They all will regret it in the end. The only election that was fixed was 2016 by Trump lock him up.

  • 1,260
    Voted Yes

    Republican women Trump made you all look bad. Don't let happen again.

  • 15.2k
    Voted Yes

    The Supreme Court is just getting started with the destruction of the rule of law and the constitution!

  • 1,260
    Voted Yes

    How crooked is the Republican Party 2 more senators in court today supporting someone who fixed the 2016 election. Why the democrats are saying that is beyond me. Where all the republicans in on the fix.?

  • 11
    Emma Z.

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  • 5,296
    Voted Yes

    Trump could owe more than $100 million in taxes as a result of IRS inquiry, report says

    how/why did the irs miss this?

    now that its known why aren't they demanding payment with full penalties & interest since this was not oversight but wilful fraud? 

    any normal corp/person would have been prosecuted harshly by now

    shame on the irs

    shame on congress

    shame on the judiciary

    corruption reigns

  • 1,260
    Voted Yes

    He fixed the 2016 election. He's trying to rig 2024 with all crooked judges he appointed 

  • 15.2k
    Voted Yes

    Neither Carter or Biden promoted the Reagan trickle down economics, which push taxes, cost of corporations and business operation to the middle class and the poor. There a real reason for homelessness and poverty look at the countries poor and look at the top greed.

  • 15.2k
    Voted Yes

    You need to understand Trump and the Republican Party represents corporate Monopoly of fascist greed and not the fair competition of capitalism of rules and laws! Plus people wonderwhy things cost so much?

  • 15.2k
    Voted Yes

    A paranoid judge.  If you can't handle the heat get out of the kitchen!  True and fact sometimes are not popular, some can't handle the truth!

  • 15.2k
    Voted Yes

    You think the is a pay to play kickbo for Supreme Court judges?

  • 15.2k
    Voted Yes

    Trump nothing like the Supreme Court lawlessness elites and entitlement! Just because they go Rogue?