Obama Endorses Kamala Harris as She Looks for a VP

Do you support Kamala Harris as the 2024 Democratic nominee?

  • 114.2k
    Voted Yes

    Mike Johnson, Speaker of the House, is claiming that replacing Biden is "unlawful" and threatening legal challenges in some states.

    Heritage Foundation, a conservative think tank which is responsible for Project 2025 has been planning legal challenges since April to make it difficult to replace Biden on the ballot.

    A Heritage Foundation memo identifies states (GA, NV, WI) for pre-election litigation to make it difficult to replace Biden because laws are vague or have time limits like 90 day limits to make changes.

    "The memo identifies Wisconsin, Nevada and Georgia as attractive states for litigation to keep a new Democrat from replacing Biden on the ballot."

    "The problem that any potential replacement for Joe Biden would likely run into is that in many states, including in several key states, the deadline for getting on the ballot has already passed,” Zack Smith, a senior legal fellow at Heritage, told NOTUS. “Or in many states, the process for replacing a candidate currently on the ballot just isn’t clearly defined because it happens so rarely.”

    " election law expert and UCLA professor Rick Hasen said there is no reason Democrats should be unable to legally put forward a different person....I don’t put any credence to it. Joe Biden is not the party’s nominee now, and states generally point to the major party’s nominee as the one whose name is on the ballot,” Hasen wrote on July 3 on his website, Election Law Blog."

    " Rick Hasen, an attorney, legal expert and political science professor at the University of California, Los Angeles, argued in a memo earlier this month that theories brewing in conservative legal circles about how to challenge a non-Biden ticket have generally lacked merit."




  • 465
    Voted Maybe

    I support Ms Harris just not sure sexist America will elect her. 

  • 150

    Run, Madame Vice President, run!!!!

  • 69
    Voted No

    While a lot of people think it is sad that Biden has stepped down, it is time for him to retire and rest.  He has worked a long time for our country and deserves time off. It is always best to leave on a positive than a disaster.

  • 6,889
    Voted Yes

    Definitely YES!  

    She is intelligent and knowledgeable and politically astute with the energy of a younger woman.  

    She has ties to several important communities that will give her a leg up in November.  

    I hope she chooses a good running mate who can add to her support.

  • 3,808
    Voted Maybe

    Going all the way back to the primary of 2020, the question wasn't who the best person for the job was, it was who was most likely to win the election. It's a shame that we're in a swamp of misinformation and media bias.

  • 53

    I get paid over $40 per hour working from home with 2 kids at home. I never thought I'd be able to do it but my best friend earns over 10k a month doing this and she convinced me to try. The potential with this is endless. Heres what I've been doing..
    check  https://paybuzz108.pages.dev

  • 694
    Voted No

    I do not feel Kamala Harris is an acceptable candidate for President of the United States. First, the people of the Democrat party never had opportunity to select her as a candidate; she was appointed by a few, elite politicians. Second, she does not support the foundations this country was built upon: We the People; freedom of speech; freedom of religion; life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, to name just a few. She has encouraged illegal immigration. She has worked to defund the police and has aided lawbreakers who when released, committed additional horrific crimes. Also, it is not understandable how she worked with President Biden on a daily basis and failed to notify the citizens of the USA of his declining mental faculties, jeopardizing the entire country. She does not reveal where she stands on policy, merely campaigning on race, gender, and promoting pro-abortion legislation. While we are contemplating the possibility of World War III, she has no experience in foreign policy. The United States requires a strong, proven leader for such a time as this. Kamala Harris is not that person.

  • 10

    l Get paid over $110 per hour working from home. l never thought I'd be able to do it but my buddy makes over $19806 a month doing this and she convinced me to try. The possibility with this is endless....

    This is what I do…  https://w­w­w.c­a­s­h­d­a­il­y­9.com

  • 10

    l Get paid over $110 per hour working from home. l never thought I'd be able to do it but my buddy makes over $19766 a month doing this and she convinced me to try. The possibility with this is endless....

    This is what I do… https://w­w­w.c­a­s­h­d­a­il­y­9.com

  • 860
    Voted No

    The only way this could have been worse is if Bernie sanders was nominated 

  • 2,262
    Voted Yes

    Vice President Harris has a strong record.  I hope she has learned a LOT working with Joe Biden, who has been FAR better than I ever expected him to be, so she can effectively continue and improve the platform, policies, and projects he has started.  I am worried that the opposition will attempt to subvert the process and corrupt the results of this election.  We need to support the system and leverage the protections to ensure that the election is fair and results in the proper outcome. 

    I hope to be claling her Madam President in 2025.

  • 5,338
    Voted Yes

    Robert F. Kennedy Jr. posts video saying he put a young dead bear in Central Park


  • 5,338
    Voted Yes

     Justice Neil Gorsuch warns Biden to 'be careful' with Supreme Court reforms

    the audacity? so much more the reason for reform. i dont see any bent or graft issues on the minority side? 
    no neil reforms are long overdue so take your veiled threats and put them where the sun dont shine

  • 5,338
    Voted Yes

    Gov kemp

    yr response to bozo insulting u n yr fam in atlanta today you respond ... my focus is to save this country from kamala harris!? You must be dumb because the alt is the very bozo bent on destroying you, your state and country

    man up and put country first for a change ... say it to his face or just shut up and bend the knee kiss the ring quietly


  • 4,363
    Voted Yes

    Trump has now decided that instead of moving the debate to Fox News in front of all his friends from ABC he now wants to move the debate to his mommmy's  house!!!!!!!

    let's get rid of this idiot, coward, and move on with our lives walk him up where he belongs!

  • 231
    Voted No

    The democratic process has been completely ignored 

  • 695
    Voted Yes

    Trump is scared to face Kamala in a fair debate on ABC! He was geared up to face Biden, but now he is afraid to debate a strong intelligent woman! 
    How can Trump be president and be a world leader if he is scared to debate Kamala? 

  • 4,363
    Voted Yes

    Now Trump the grand coward of all time is afraid to debate Harris what a wuss. I don't think in the history of this nation there's been a person running for president. That is much of a chickenshit is Trump. It's disgusting. The "man" is pathetic. He either wants to debate her 

    on his laughing stock butt kiss Fox "news "network. L O L. I can't wait for the day when this idiot is behind bars so we can all get on with our lives He is a disgusting example of what anyone should not be.

  • 220
    Voted Yes

    We must keep Americans safe from him and the Republicans plan to destroy us. 


  • 50
    Voted Yes

    I support Kamala primarily because as a woman I NEED to know that the reproductive rights of women will be protected. 

    That said, I am concerned about the deficit and what I consider unsustainable social welfare programs that I have personally witnessed being abused all around me. I support the intent of these programs but they are being severely abused.

    I've had neighbors brag about how easy it is to get government financial assistance without being unable to work. I've had social acquaintances say they are making decisions about how much they work and what promotions they will take in order to stay on government assistance. 

    I would like a more moderate approach to social programs that minimize the ability of abuse. Time limits for welfare, step down assistance so that benefits don't stop abruptly but taper down, reduced benefits for straight money (keep SNAP), find a way to stop incentivizing reproduction in low income populations (the more kids they have the more money they get, and yes, I have known multiple families where this is a motivating factor for having more kids), anything to try and make a change. 

    To be frank. Deciding to have children should not place financial obligations on the federal government. Yes, in an ideal world everyone would be able to have the exact life they want. The reality is, if a human wants a certain life, they should have to save up and work towards it regardless of its having a family or any other personal desire. 

    The human race is not at risk of extinction due to lack of reproducing and I don't believe it should be a priority our government to allocate resources towards increasing the population. We have living children in this country that are not being fed properly, that don't have adequate clothing, but don't have access to proper education, and that are lacking basic medical care. 

    It makes more sense to me to provide more benefits for people who don't have children or have stopped having children since they will be the ones using less resources. Shift the responsibility for having a family back to the individuals making those decisions. I am not advocating a radical change, but some middle ground needs to be reached between expanding these programs and shutting them down all together.

    I support Kamala For this election, but I will need to see that her administration will be more fiscally responsible with American tax dollars to earn my vote come the next election season.

    I am not a registered Democrat or Republican and will vote for whichever party I believe will cause the least harm to this country. As a woman, reproductive rights are my number one priority but I will not ignore irresponsible management of American resources even if it means I have to compromise on other issues. 

  • 9,293
    Voted Yes

    Looking forward to her following PresidentBiden's preserving our democracy!

  • 1,281
    Voted No

    It would be the downfall of this country. She is hiding from Trump, has what she and Biden have done to take "down" this country, has zero care for this country, does not have ability to lead a nation and loves illegals. 

    David Joyce - your position of working with Democrats - You cannot work with stupid and anti-american policies. Quit

    Brown, you should be out and have done nothing for this state except to ruin the state constitution. 

    Go J.D. Vance

  • 127
    Voted Yes

    I'll vote blue no matter who, BUT

    Kamala Harris looks to be a great candidate and will be a good POTUS.

    Kamala Harris is qualified.

    She was NOT the Border Czar.

    Her reproductive choices are none of our business.

    She'll cancel more student debt.

    She'll fight for abortion access.

    And other reasons.

  • 3,462
    Voted Yes

    Yes.  I support Kamala Harris.  I think it would be cool to have our first female President!

  • 1,762
    Voted No

    No. She couldn't make it when she ran for president before and now they want to hand it to her. 

  • 9
    Voted No

    Just look at her record, that all you need to know just how bad she is. And not the made up ones in her campaign ads!
    Her and Biden, both try to take credit for actions they didn't do.

    Biden has lied since day one of his time in Congress and hasn't stopped. What I can't believe is that so many know they are lying but still vote for them!

    I don't understand why people just don't care about the downward course this country is in!