IT: Four killed after a shooting at Georgia high school, and... How do you feel about the upcoming election?

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  • 10

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  • 53

    I get paid over $40 per hour working from home with 2 kids at home. I never thought I'd be able to do it but my best friend earns over 10k a month doing this and she convinced me to try. The potential with this is endless. Heres what I've been doing..

  • 1

    I feel like our polititians have sold their souls to the NRA and big-money donors, that's why they refuse to do anything meaningful about this. They are either willfully ignorant, or deliberately ignoring the glaring reason why this keeps happening, and I, for one, send my three kids to school everyday without knowing whether or not I'll be planning their funeral by the end of that day.. THE MAJORITY OF AMERICANS WANT COMMON SENSE GUN REFORM AND ASSAULT WEAPONS BANS, but our impotent elected officials DO NOTHING. Shove your "thoughts and prayers".

  • 1,032

    I am so so so very very tired of the G-Damned second amendment bullshit I could just scream. Vote out the idiots. I can also say that anyone who tries to parse the whole bumpstock, assault weapon arguments into a technical issue should be facing down a rapid fire assault weapon themselves, or lose a loved one to a mass shooting. DO NOT TALK TO ME about this crap. Until YOU have lost a child or a loved one to a mass shooting WHICH ALWAYS INVOLVE ASSAULT WEAPONS SHUT THE F**K UP.

  • 60.5k

    I feel like this year is our chance to vote to stop gun violence in this country...and Republicans are not going to be the ones to stop it.

    Vote Blue! Our childrens' lives depend on it.

  • 499

    As tragic as the school shooting is it is time to hold the politicians accountable.

    The politicians have armed security, the politicians have metal detectors since the 1970's and still they have not enacted legislation to provide such security for schools to better protect the children. 

    The knee jerk reaction is to apply more gun control and reform.  They can't enforce what is on the books.  The politicians can't keep drugs out the schools to keep the children safe. 

    There should be uniformed protection across the US that provides security. 
    Mass shooters are cowards and will shy away from areas that have and armed response.  We can thank the politicians for enabling the shooters with no gun zones. Until security is enforced on every level of learning K through 12 and those colleges that don't have campus police the tragedy will continue to happen b