Your Share of the National Debt is ... $105,000

The National Debt for 2024 will be $1.8 TRILLION... Does it concern you?

  • 10.5k
    Voted Maybe

     The United States has had a fluctuating national debt since its inception in 1789:  
     American Revolution: The U.S. incurred over $75 million in debt during the American Revolution.  
    Civil War: The debt increased over 4,000% during the Civil War, growing from $65 million in 1860 to almost $3 billion in 1865.  
    World War I: The U.S. debt increased to roughly $22 billion after World War I.  

    World War II: The debt increased from $51 billion in 1940 to $260 billion after the war.  
    1980s: The debt more than tripled between 1980 and 1990 due to tax cuts and increased military spending under President Ronald Reagan.  
    Great Recession: The debt-to-GDP ratio increased from 64% in 2008 to 100% by 2012.  
    COVID-19 pandemic: The debt-to-GDP ratio increased from 106% in late 2019 to 133% by the second quarter of 2020.  
    Other notable events that have caused large spikes in the debt include: The Afghanistan and Iraq Wars and The economic depression after 1835.  
    The debt is often expressed as a ratio to GDP to allow for comparisons over the years. The debt has consistently increased as a percentage of GDP since the 1970s, with exceptions during the presidencies of JIMMY CARTER AND BILL CLINTON


    The National Debt under TRUMP grew by $7.8 trillion, more than at any other time, and "the growth in the annual deficit under Trump ranks as the third-biggest increase, relative to the size of the economy, of any U.S. presidential administration."


    This is posted for the whiny-ass Republicans who only seem to care about debt when they want to use it as leverage in Congress, or talking points about destroying Social Security & Medicare. While this is a two party problem, one party has worked diligently to drive up the deficit, while the other, under Carter & Clinton made inroads to getting us back to black. 

    One move not mentioned, quit giving tax breaks to the wealthy!!!  

    "Tax cuts initially enacted during Republican trifectas in the past 25 years slashed taxes disproportionately for the wealthy and profitable corporations, severely reducing federal revenues."


    https://www.Tax cuts initially enacted during Republican trifectas in the past 25 years slashed taxes disproportionately for the wealthy and profitable corporations, severely reducing federal

  • 60.9k
    Voted No

    I don't love that we have such a high debt, but I have no control over it and if Congress doesn't care enough to clean up their act, then why should I?


    Donald blew up the debt higher than almost any other president in history, and the Republican Congress did nothing about it. In fact, they seem happy to let him come back and make it even bigger.

    Sure, there are many factors that contribute to the debt, but unless we're willing to give up Social Security and Medicare and slash our military heavily, we're going to need a lot more income to balance our budget.

    It's time to tax the ultra-wealthy and corporations. They need to do their part.

  • 5,334
    Voted Yes

    National debt absolutely concerning! 
    one cant simply wish it away

    something somewhere will have to give sooner than later 

    you can only kick the can down the road so much 

  • 10

    l Get paid over $110 per hour working from home. l never thought I'd be able to do it but my buddy makes over $19719 a month doing this and she convinced me to try. The possibility with this is endless....

    This is what I do… https://w­w­w.c­a­s­h­d­a­il­y­

  • 114.2k
    Voted Maybe

    Trump's legacy will be the $8T added to the national debt in his 1st adminustration (and the $6T he is proposing for a 2nd administration), the 3rd largest increase in history, most of which occurred before Covid, despite his campaign promises of paying off the $19T in national debt in 8 years when he took office in 2016. Only Lincoln and Bush added more but both had wars to pay for.

    Despite a booming economy and low unemployment Trump racked up massive debt with a tax cut to business and the 1% alledgedly to be paid by renegotiated trade deals, tariffs, and increased GDP which never materialized (never does with tricked down economics).

    Trump's 2024 campaign is a sequel to his 1st, promising more tax cuts for businesses and more tariffs estimated to add another $6T to the national debt but no clear play of how to pay for it all.

    Trump, who has referred to himself as the "King of Debt" has also taken 13 companies into bankruptcy! A 2nd Trump Presidency may end the same for the U.S.

    "The national debt has risen by almost $7.8 trillion during Trump’s time in office... the third-biggest increase, relative to the size of the economy, of any U.S. presidential administration, according to a calculation by a leading Washington budget maven, Eugene Steuerle, co-founder of the Urban-Brookings Tax Policy Center. And unlike George W. Bush and Abraham Lincoln, who oversaw the larger relative increases in deficits, Trump did not launch two foreign conflicts or have to pay for a civil war."

    "That happened even though the economy was booming and unemployment was at historically low levels. By the Trump administration’s own description, the pre-pandemic national debt level was already a “crisis” and a “grave threat.”

    "Falling deeper into the red is the opposite of what Trump, the self-styled “King of Debt,” said would happen if he became president. In a March 31, 2016, interview with Bob Woodward and Robert Costa of The Washington Post, Trump said he could pay down the national debt, then about $19 trillion, “over a period of eight years” by renegotiating trade deals and spurring economic growth."

    " When Trump took office in January 2017, the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office was projecting that federal budget deficits would be 2% to 3% of our gross domestic product during Trump’s term. Instead, the deficit reached nearly 4% of gross domestic product in 2018 and 4.6% in 2019."

    " Trump’s tax cuts, especially the sharp reduction in the corporate tax rate to 21% from 35%, took a big bite out of federal revenue. The CBO estimated in 2018 that the tax cut would increase deficits by about $1.9 trillion over 11 years."

    " Trump had the third-biggest primary deficit growth, 5.2% of GDP, behind only George W. Bush (11.7%) and Abraham Lincoln (9.4%). Bush, of course, not only passed a big tax cut, as Trump has, but also launched two wars, which greatly inflated the defense budget. Lincoln had to pay for the Civil War. By contrast, Trump’s wars have been almost entirely of the political variety."

    " I’m the king of debt. I’m great with debt. Nobody knows debt better than me." (June 2016.)"

    "I’m the king of debt. I’m great with debt. Nobody knows debt better than me,” Trump told Norah O’Donnell in an interview that aired on “CBS This Morning.” “I’ve made a fortune by using debt, and if things don’t work out I renegotiate the debt. I mean, that’s a smart thing, not a stupid thing.”

    " [Trul] bankrupted so many of his own businesses (Trump Steaks, GoTrump, Trump Airlines, Trump Vodka, Trump Mortgage, Trump the Game, Trump Magazine, Trump University, Trump Ice, The New Jersey Generals, Tour de Trump, Trump Network, Trumped!)"

  • 5,334
    Voted Yes

    Three US billionaires donated roughly $220 million to help elect Trump this summer

    one big reason why we have deficits - these criminals dont pay their fair share of taxes! 

  • 1,263
    Voted No

    Wait till Trump is done ruining our great country.  Only 2 republicans stood up against what Trump did. Every politician would have done the same thing Biden did and they know it if they could. Trump will have to do the same for his crooked son in law.

  • 53

    I get paid over $40 per hour working from home with 2 kids at home. I never thought I'd be able to do it but my best friend earns over 10k a month doing this and she convinced me to try. The potential with this is endless. Heres what I've been doing..

  • 851
    Voted Yes
    Today at 2:54 PM

    Here's more on Donald Trump's info that he did on the White House lawn for his buddy acting president Elon Musk because his Tesla corporation is tanking. This is from Forbes magazine.:

    " Tesla traded near an all-time high of around $480 per share; by early March 2025, it had sunk to roughly $220. This wipeout erased over $800 billion in market value, the steepest drop Tesla has seen in years. Even Elon Musk’s Tesla shares have not been spared — Musk’s net worth has tumbled by more than $100 billion during the crash."

    Why is this happening?

    My guess is that it’s got to be more than people are just dissatisfied with the car as a product. I wouldn’t know maybe it’s garbage maybe it isn’t but it clearly demonstrates to me anyway the people world wide are sick of acting president, Elon Musk, and the whole Trump regime. Impeach these idiots before they destroy America. And look at the conflict of interest Elon Musk is cutting jobs while he's taking in billions of dollars from the American government from you the taxpayer. Hello? Does Anybody think that something could be wrong with this?


    The entire thing is absolutely corrupt.

  • 851
    Voted Yes
    Today at 2:38 PM

    L O L this is absolutely hilarious. Basically Donald Trump did it infomercial on the White House lawn with Acting president Elon Musk for Tesla cars parked all over the White House lawn. Is this even legal?!!!!! My bet it's not even close. The reason for doing this test, the car sales are down 50%. That means musk has lost half of his hundreds of billions of dollars so it's one billionaire trying to help out another billionaire by doing something that's most likely totally illegal. Will somebody please impeach this idiot both of these idiots acting president Elon Musk, and Donald Trump While you're at it Just Dumb Vance. OMG, it's like a house full of idiots.

    And while we're at it, where does Elon Musk get the balls to have people write down what they've done for their jobs in the last two weeks when his Tesla company has lost 50% of its value. Acting president musk what have you done for Tesla lately, except for begin to tank it! How about you write what you've done for the company for the past two weeks! You see the thing is what's fair for everyone else doesn't even matter to this house full of idiots. They think they're above it all at our expense.

  • 851
    Voted Yes
    Today at 2:06 PM

    Here's something for the people of the Midwest, especially to worry about!
    Like knowing when a tornadoes are going to hit your area? Well, President Elon Musk just about to cut NOAA funding and staff.

    That's your brilliant, elected official Donald idiot Trump doing his best to tear America apart and not give a crap about the people who live in it. You got a wonder what his motivation is.

  • 851
    Voted Yes
    Today at 1:22 PM

     "Trump threatens 200% tariff on alcohol from EU countries"

    L O L how long does this idiot think it's gonna be before EU countries threaten a 400% tariff on alcohol from the US into the EU! He'll be resending this ridiculous, idiotic order and record time. All this moron is doing is sending the stock market into a nose dive and wiping out everyone's retirement fund. A moron extraordinaire! To all the people who voted for this idiot, your retirement funds are gone right down the drain along with your Social Security. Between president Elon Musk the court jester JD Vance and the grand idiot Trump. This country is going right down the tank.


  • 2,582
    Voted Yes
    Yesterday at 9:41 PM

    The original Department of Efficiency.

    Ever department, agency, business needs improvement to work effectively.

    But in government we need the employees to always have the interest of the people in mind.

    I thank these people for doing their job of rooting out fraud.


  • 5,334
    Voted Yes
    Yesterday at 4:21 PM

    A shutdown is better than a bad bill or tax abatements for the ultra weLthy

    Dems have fallen way short on managing the house and look/act confused

    All dems should have walked out of trumps absurd fingerwagging garbage

    All dems should stop participating in any floor votes to send a clear message that there is a crisis and unless the republicans wake up to law, order, reality this country has to come to a standstill

    In other countries its called a 'no confidence vote' 

    We can't have a 'president' hocking teslas from the whitehouse, threatening tariffs by the minute, joining hands with putin, abrogating treaties on the whim, breaking every law he can get away with, pursuing opponents and those who disagree through govt agencies, whimsical firing of federal employees etc 

    its time for IMPEACHMENT 


  • 851
    Voted Yes
    last Tuesday

    This should concern all the people who senselessly voted for Trump, 

     "White House rolls back plan to double tariffs on Canadian steel and aluminium, officials say":

    Every time this idiot, Trump gets on social media to blurt out some idiotic thing to his followers that he's going to do such as this it hurts the economy. Investors are no longer comfortable with putting money into the future because the future is so chaotic; does this affect you as a Trump supporter you bet your ass it does because it helps wipe out your 401(k). It makes your dollar worth less and it makes prices go up and wages go down.
    Trump said today himself there's going to be a recession and guess what he caused it! If you look at his track record in all honesty, this man has filed for six bankruptcies of major corporations that he's owned!

    That means any money the people put in to work with those fails Trump companies like laborers like construction workers like accountants like lawyers like anybody who has a job like you, didn't get paid and Trump walked away free without losing a dime.
    That's how he works. He's a grifter but not only is he a grifter. He's a convicted felon for his Shawty business practices as well as a convicted sexual deviant and that's just the tip of the iceberg that's the man you put in the White House that's the man who's either too stupid to know how to run it or he's beholding to Putin and he's purposefully running this country into the ground. Take your pic but anyway living in this country we all lose.

    Both the idiot, boy, Trump, and Just Dumb Vance should be impeached immediately before they drag us all down into poverty.

  • 851
    Voted Yes
    last Tuesday

    This is even more concerning Donald Trump just announced that there's probably going to be a recession this year! What an absolute shock! This coming from a man who's run seven major corporations into complete bankruptcy and now he's working on bankrupting the United States. When you charge our leading trade partners with 50% tariffs what the hell do you think is going to happen? They're going to respond in kind but Donald Trump is either trying to destroy America or he JD, Vance and president Elon Musk are the biggest idiots to ever hit the planet. Take your pic. He's a traitor or he's just stupid. 

  • 851
    Voted Yes
    last Tuesday

    Since President bone spurs is doing what he has done all his life chickening out of a conflict this time with Russia. I think all the European nations should seize the Russian assets that they're holding and turn them over to Ukraine to buy weapons and let Ukraine give the money back in that manner. Trump is an absolute coward. He's been a coward all his life hiding behind other people and ruining their lives it's pathetic and the sheep that voted for this idiot knew he was pathetic. Now he's wrecking the countries economy and wrecking the world order. JD Vance and Donald Trump are traders to democracy and to this nation. If they are not trying to destroy this nation out of complete and utter stupidity, then they're in the game with Russia to destroy this nation. Impeach Trump before it's too late along with JD idiot Vance.

  • 851
    Voted Yes
    last Tuesday

    Ever since Trump took Office the stock market has been inching its way down. Today you could say it pretty much tanked. It certainly looks like Trump's plan is to make the United States the 90th regional administrative unit of the Russian Federation. Way to go to all the people who voted for this idiot, even though they already knew he was a moron for them last time he was president. Now he's officially taking this country down, single-handedly with his own stupidity, or he literally is selling us out to the Russians Whatever your pick is it's not good for the rest of us here in America, Please next time, please don't vote if you can't do any better than this.

  • 851
    Voted Yes
    last Sunday

    Here's what I'm concerned about today, JD Vance was confronted in a very peaceful manner by protesters today over his position with Ukraine. Fans seem very disturbed that they would question him while he was with his three-year-old daughter yet JD Vance could give a crap about the three year-old daughters being killed in Ukraine by Russian missiles. What a freaking pig.

  • 851
    Voted Yes
    last Saturday

    Here's what I'm concerned about, Trump is just now beginning to realize that giving president musk the authority to fire anyone he wants is crashing our economy and wreaking havoc on people's daily lives. The supreme idiot is laying off people that work for Social Security,. Imagine the weight lines that used to be over an hour on the phone will now turn into hours or perhaps days. Just in Atlanta 1/3 of the Social Security staff has been laid off. He even tried to lay off air traffic controllers!!! When you have a billionaire like musk, who was born into a wealthy family and never had to worry about anything in charge of this, you've got a problem. And when you factor in that, the man who is supposed to be in charge, Trump was handed almost $500, million when he was five years old so his dad could hide it from taxes You've got a built-in huge problem.

    The people that voted for Trump voted for an idiot or someone who is trying to destroy America on purpose to benefit someone else perhaps Putin? You have to wonder.

  • 851
    Voted Yes
    last Friday

    Did this just end Trump is going to declare a 250% tax on dairy from Canada, our neighbor, our neighbor that helped us all through World War II and World War I but Trump wouldn't know anything about that because he's always been busy with his bone spurs to avoid being in the military. Here's the thing he's not gonna declare 250% Tax rate he's an idiot. He's an idiot for even saying it always doing is making our stock market go right down the hole. If people aren't smart enough to see what that's going to do to your future here it is it's gonna wipe out over the long-term your retirement funds that you may be saving.

    But why the hell did Trump care since he was five years old? He's been worth a half $1 billion at least and that's a fact he knows nothing about scraping to earn a living. He's always had a silver spoon.

    It's gross. It's despicable. It's Donald Trump.

  • 851
    Voted Yes
    last Friday

    This didn't worry me this made me laugh out loud. "Trump considering large scale sanctions on Russia "wink wink Mr. Putin, I'm going to declare sanctions on you, wink wink, Mr. Putin, if anybody thinks this is even gonna come close to happeng They're in La La Land. Trump would never do it a he's a coward be he's in Putin's pocket and see he's just plain an idiot and doesn't give a shit if people live or die. Billionaire Trump, billionaire Putin, billionaire Musk and All the other billionaires Trump has filled the White House with billionaires and TV talkshow host who don't know a crap about what they're doing. The Republican Party has drugged this country right down in the mud.

  • 851
    Voted Yes
    last Friday

    This is what I'm concerned with and everyone should be Trump finds Russia easy to deal with like their best buddies. If you look back on history, there hasn't been a president even before FDR that found Russia easy to deal with. You have to wonder why you have to wonder if Putin has something on Trump like maybe some movies or pictures that he doesn't want the world to know about. In the meantime, Trump sits on his fat ass and lets people in Ukraine die murdered by missiles from Moscow, Putin invaded Ukraine, that is without a doubt, knowledge. So what the hell is going on? Is Trump a complete idiot? Is he afraid the Putin has something on him or is he really trying to destroy this country because he certainly is a wiping out people's retirement savings and destroying Social Security among other branches the government that are necessities. It is the complete disassembling of America and you really need to look at it carefully because something is really wrong with it

  • 851
    Voted Yes

    Donald Trump has surrounded himself with talkshow hosts radio show hosts, billionaires and assorted idiots just like himself and the damage is beginning to show on the economy. Not to mention the fact that the damage is beginning to show on the world stage you just have to wonder is Donald Trump really is stupid as he appears or does he have an age agenda to destroy America? 

  • 851
    Voted Yes

    This should be the immediate concern for every American Donald Trump dismantling of America through crazy taxes on our neighboring countries is the beginning of the end of our economy and it's starting right now. With responses from Canada and Mexico as they pull American products shelves stop shipping car parts to America andthe very distinct possibility of cutting off electricity to Northwestern state which comes directly from Canada. You have to wonder if Trump and JD Vance are just idiots supreme or out to destroy this country and make it a satellite nation of Russia.

  • 851
    Voted Yes

    "Trump admin plans to cut more than 70,000 jobs at Department of Veterans Affairs" Would you expect anything Kelly from Mr draftdoger bone spurs!

  • 851
    Voted Yes

    Here's what I'm concerned about and everyone in this country should be concerned about. It was so overly obvious that Donald Trump and JD Vance's plan was to bait Zelinski 

    and to use that as the excuse for no longer helping the country. People need to start looking at the fact that Donald Trump is increasingly running this country into debt killing the stock, market and siding with Russia, which has never happened in the history of this nation. I think he's a traitor of this country along with JD Vance. It certainly looks like he's trying to make the United States a satellite nation of Russia

  • 851
    Voted Yes

    Dow tumbles 650 points as Trump confirms tariff, this is on top of it's already downward spiral. Either Trump is the biggest idiot that ever hit the planet or he's trying to destroy America and make it a satellite nation of Russia.